Chapter Two

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-- Courtney in MM.

Wednesday, September 4th, 2018.
Approx. 3:13pm.


I walked down the hallway to my office with my coffee in my hand.

"Good morning, Aaliyah." My coworker, Madalynn greeted me.

"Good morning." I responded and kept walking.

I'm here for money, not friends.

I walked into my office and mentally prepared myself for the drama that will unfold today.

I looked at my full schedule and noticed I wouldnt have time to grab a bite to eat until I got off.

"Come in." I responded to the knock on my door.

"I'm here to make a payment." The guy entered my room.

"Name?" I asked as I pulled up my computer.

"Luke. Luke Keyes." He responded.

My focus remained on finding his case so hard that I didnt even look up.

"Daughter named Diamond Keyes, 2 years old?" I asked, finally looking up.

"Yeah." He pulled out a wad of cash. "How much to keep me out of jail?"

"$1,539." I responded.

"Here's two thousand." He passed me a bunch of hundred dollar bills.

I counted behind him to ensure it was correct.

"What do you do for a living, Mr. Keyes?" I asked.

"Uh, I'm unemployed." Lie.

I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah okay."

"I had a job when Brittany put me on child support then I lost it and they never changed my payment amount." I simply nodded.

"Two thousand dollars. That leaves an extra four hundred sixty one dollars and your monthly payments are set at..." I paused to look at their paperwork "three hundred so you're set for October and in November you'll owe one hundred and thirty nine dollars. I'll print you a receipt."

"That shit's crazy." He shook his head.

I simply kept focusing on the computer.

"Do you have children?" I assume he's trying to make small talk.

"I don't." I shook my head. "Call me old school but I want marriage before the children."

"Oh you're a Christian?" He asked.

"I'm not virgin Mary but I do believe in God." I replied, making us both laugh.

"Understandable." He nodded.

"Are you allowed to see Diamond whenever you want to?" I asked.

"Only when her mama isn't mad." He frowned.

"Well being on child support has one benefit, it gives you rights to your child. Many men don't know that and women either." I explained while grabbing the paper out the printer.

"What?" He looked at me confused. "Are you serious?"

"I'm so serious." I said highlighting his balance and other important information.

"So I can take my daughter and she can't press charges?" He asked.

"I wouldn't advise "taking"." I looked at his funny. "Here." I passed him his paper.

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