Chapter Thirty Three

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"We already got the nigga at my trap. He's alive and he's all yours." Amari said.

"I appreciate you." Aubree stood up, I knew he was having trouble accepting this but on the outside he was on his cold shit.

"No problem, I made my young niggas work at this all day to find this shit out." He stood up too.

They dapped each other.

"How can we trust this shit?" Luke asked.

"I made my youngins run in his shit and find the gun, matched it to the shells that were outside Ms. Roslyn's place; you can check it out if you want to." He shrugged.

"It's legit." Aubree said.

Aubree and Amari shared a look and for a split second... They looked alike.

"You know, you two should do more business together." I commented.

"What?" They both asked.

"I mean, he could show you the Haitian way and you can show him the Italian way." Jas spoke up too.

"I agree." Evelyn nudged Amari.

"We'll keep in contact." Aubree and Amari shared a look.

When we saw them off, we all went to our bedrooms.

They left and we went to bed but Aubree sat on the balcony smoking and drinking almost all night and when he finally did come to bed, I was getting up.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Getting up, it's almost nine." I informed him.

"Is it?" He asked, getting up too.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Out. I got some moves to make." He yawned and stretched.

Aubree was in no position to be sleep deprived and making decision on someone's future; if they live or die.

"Aubree, listen.." I followed him into the bathroom as he brushed his teeth. "I think you should take some time to rest and think." I told him.

"So what? You think cause of that shit Evelyn tried to put in your head last night that I follow what you say?" He asked, obviously angry.

"What? No. I never said--"

"I don't follow anyone's orders, demands, request, none of that shit. I call the shots around this mothafucka." He raged and walked back out the bathroom.

"First of all, we are a team--"

"A team? But you just wanted to end shit the other night?" He chuckled.

"I was in my feelings about my job!" I yelled. "I would've never went through with it and actually left you, even now, we've been all out in the public, I'm still here because I love you." I was so frustrated at this point.

"Yeah, well now I don't want you here." He yelled, going back into the bathroom and slamming the door.

My mouth was slightly open.

Is he serious or is he hurting?

I stood there for a while before I gathered myself, I turned around, only to see Luke.

"Hey." I plastered on a smile.

"He's hurting right now. It's actually usually Courtney who gets this side of Aubree when he's going through." He told me.

"What would Courtney do to.. handle it?" I asked.

Luke shrugged. "Just tolerate it. Aubree and Courtney ain't have the same love from Gina. Aubree was sort of the child she just tolerated while Courtney was her pride and joy. When she saw how naturally Aubree maneuvered through the game, manipulated it to his liking... it was all effortless, even though by DNA he wasn't a Profasi, he was a smooth criminal. Gina hated it. She wanted that for Courtney. Aubree was always the underdog and I'm all he ever had, apart from Courtney." He explained to me something I'm sure Aubree would never open up about.

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