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Kevin was nice enough to let me use one of his jackets and cover myself with the hood, I was more suffering of not wanting to be recognized in public.

Kevin was decently popular and my collabs in the past of far and few were noticeable. This was a new place so I won't see usual people that would usually try to say hello to me if I passed them by in the store or something like that. Now it wasn't a new store, and I didn't have to say hello to those people.

With that, it was more terrifying to be honest. All the new people here, I haven't met them or at least been in proximity of them for the whole time I've been here. I've been so locked away in the room I just about forgot that theres more then just the things in a room.

Kevin pushed the door open as I followed him close behind. "I'm gonna get the ads, it's just a quick thing here." Kevin stopped by the counter with a bunch of papers scattered across it. Taking a look around, I could see the the people at the register starting to look at me as I started having a nervous breakdown in the front of the store. It hasn't even been a single minute of me outside of the car, and I've been already panicking.

Pushing into Kevin's back, my face dug into his clothes and I started a grip onto his lose clothing. Kevin turned his head to me and tried to catch a glimpse, but only for me to back away and forget what I was doing to him. "Sorry, sorry, sorry..." I whispered to him and just looked away from the people in the store. "I don't wanna be here..."

"Do you wanna wait in the car?" Kevin asked me, shaking my head at him as I tried not to let my breathing go unsteady. He sighed and rolled up the ad. "We can go back home, I think just looking around is a a step in the right direction anyways." He started to walk away, but I quickly grab onto his sleeve to make him turn to me.

"Let's... just do this quickly." I managed to say, as I slid my hand to his index finger and wrap around it. He smiled faintly to then tossed his paper into something and theb pick up a little basket on the floor as I start being pulled to the back of the store with him.

"Okay, so eggs..." Kevin started, walking into the cooler section and looking at everything he has in view. "Do you have a favorite brand or somethin'?" He offered, as I shake my head to him. He started to pull his hand away from me to grab it but I was hesitant at first, not wanting to. Kevin looked at our hands, then to me. His smile was kind enough to let me know that I should let go, but instead I grab his basket with my other hand and let him have a free hand. Yes I know, stubborn of me but holding his index finger made me feel... a lot better than before. "Thank you," he grabbed a carton of eggs and placed it in my basket. "Just make sure you don't drop it." He told me, nodding in reply.

We continued walking around the store, Gathering everything that we needed as I held on to him really closely. We did get stairs, but only for Kevin to start pulling us away from it and slowly forgetting about it. Luckily there was in that many people in here, and it was just us whenever we went into an aisle. Kevin was nice enough to let me hold him the entire time too.

Getting in line to the register, I started getting nervous again due to the old man looking extremely grouchy, quickly pulling on him and forcing him to the self-checkout. I didn't want to see the person make eye contact especially since I haven't raised my head away from looking at the ground unless it was towards something like a wall or where no one was around. Kevin started to pull everything from our basket and scanning it himself. Setting down the basket into the others and grabbing onto the bags that the stuff was in.

Taking a look around one last time to see the man looking like he has a headache, and he turns his head to a different place and I see him having a metal plate on his head. Now I felt horrible for avoiding him, but before I could do anything else Kevin starts pulling me away again.

Finally out of the store.

Sympathy but it's from CallMeKevinWhere stories live. Discover now