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The look and feel of everything cloud in my mind, I was, happier than I was before. The first impression from just being around Kevin went on a pleasant excitement from him. I cannot believe it, my smiles were wide and Kevin was behind me with his arms gently holding my hands as I faced him with a bowl of mixture. Kevin and I were both happy from the situation, but I couldn't believe it was working with my condition.

"Wanna add some vanilla extract into this bad boy?" Kevin smirked to me, and to be honest, I was barely able to do anything a week ago. "Anything?" He inquired.

"I'm fine with this," I handed the bowl to him, "it'll be good." I felt the brush of my hand on his.

"You feeling better today?" Kevin asked.

My smiled faded, a flash of emotions happened around my head and turn me very confused. Then... I smiled, remembering that I'm with him now, that I'm more protected by his side than anywhere else in the world. "Yeah..." I mumbled softly, looking at him.

Kevin set down the mix. Looking back at my eyes. The silence was a nice settled down one. He approached me closer, looking at my hands and I grabbed into his figer. I leaned against him, my head on his chest. He seemed to instantly heat up with contact as we touched.

"Uhm..." Kevin started to tense up, making me pull away. "Wait," he said and his hands grabbed mine fully. Looking into his eyes, I notice his uncertainty. "I-I..." His words failed.

My stomach dropped and my face heated. "Yes...?" I questioned. Kevin stopped and panicked, pulling away and turning red as an apple. Something was wrong, and I felt really bad about it. "Oh uh, sorry." I took a step back to his dismay and my own.

"I uh-um..." Kevin certainly wasn't going to give out any answers for the time being. Which made me nervous about the situation again.

"Let's get back to making pancakes!" I awkwardly yelled at him, trying to get back into the feeling that we were before but obviously shouting isn't gonna achieve that.

Kevin's hands grabbed into mine in such a rush I didn't think about it and ripped away from him. I looked at him with a snap turn and see him back up a few. My reactions to turn and run away from him weren't there but I wasn't used to fast movements that weren't gentle.

"My bad!" Kevin put his hands up. His glowing red face was smiling in an unsure way.

My face turned unset about it, and I just didn't know why my heart was pounding. "...Kevin..." I started, having nothing to start or finish a conversation. My whole body stood still and I was confused again. I couldn't think of a single thing to do or say. Being this confused made me... disturbed and unsettled. My fist formed and I didn't like this feeling, I didn't watch this to happen.

Feeling this way wasn't what I wanted. Kevin is, but he's so weird right now. I'm so weird, what the hell do I do.

"I'm sorry..." Kevin started, walking closer to me. Slowly pulling me in and taking my face to bury it in his chest.

I'm too shy for myself to do this but when he does it... it's all I want.

Sympathy but it's from CallMeKevinWhere stories live. Discover now