Chapter 4: "I'd follow you anywhere."

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June finished pulling her hair into a ponytail on top of her head and let her arms fall back to her sides. 

She'd changed into the Miss America suit, a tank-top and leggings underneath. The suit itself was mildly comfortable, it was also padded. Shoulders, elbows, knees, and a few other joints and limbs were covered in an extra layer of cushioning to help protect her. 

June often wondered what she was doing in a group of superpowered humans, after all, that was only half of what she was: Human. 

The brunette popped her neck and grabbed her shield, leaning against the wall. It had been years since she'd seen it, much less held it, but it felt normal, like reading a favorite book for the thirteenth time. Her arm fit perfectly into the straps on the inside, as they should. June's thumb brushed over a button where the strap met the shield. Confused swamped her brain for a moment before remembering what it did. 

Bruce, upon her request, added another element to the shield: a gun. June simply had to press the button, and part of the shield would slide backward, revealing a handy, long-range laser-based weapon. 

June slung it over her back and settled it between her shoulder blades. She unlocked the bathroom door and trooped into her bedroom, then the hallway. 

Steve had his elbows on the counter, head in his hands, and Nat was rubbing his back. Wanda, Vision, and Sam stood by the door waiting. The scene gave her a sudden sense of deja vu. 

June cleared her throat, and Steve looked up. His expression changed from worry to confusion, to a small smile. June smiled back. "Someone's got to keep you alive, and Nat's not going to cut it alone."  

Steve froze for a minute, and so did everyone else (all except Nat, who wasn't surprised, but grinning proudly.) He walked, half ran to June, and wrapped her in a bear hug. June nearly had the breath knocked out of her, but she returned with a lighter hug of her own and breathed into his chest. 

June had almost forgotten what Steve's hugs felt like. Basically, like a giant pillow was wrapping itself around you. A giant pillow that was six feet tall, with muscle, and very much alive. 

She clapped him on the back and muffled out a few words. "Don't suffocate me, I need to breathe in order to kick ass." Steve laughed for the first time in four months, and pulled away, holding her at arm's length. 

"I forgot how great you looked in that." 

June smacked his arm and rolled her eyes. "Do you want me to change my mind, Rogers?" 

He sent her a fake salute. "Not at all, Captain." 

June laughed again and stole a glance at Natasha, now leaning against the door frame, watching with a grin. The others were muttering in a circle, gesturing to Vision's wound. 

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