Chapter 6: "If you don't feel safe there? I'll take you somewhere you will be."

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Everything was all fine and dandy (as fine and dandy as it could get, that is) until Bruce Banner himself walked into the room. 

Hugs were given, sarcastic quips had been thrown left and right, up and down. 

And then Bruce walked in. 

It shouldn't have been that big of a deal, in fact, Bruce and June had been good friends. He'd made her the suit, fixed her up with Tony after she'd been tortured, and she'd given him advice on almost any subject that did not relate to science. 

And then he'd asked her on a date, but Steve had already beat him to it, and it broke June's heart to turn him down. 

They still remained friends, but everything had taken a more awkward turn that June absolutely saw coming. 

So when Bruce walked into the room, suit jacket torn and dirty, memories from all those years ago came back to life. He waved, sporting a small smile. "Hey. Yeah, I'm back." 

June's eye flicked to Nat who smiled back, almost in a sad manner. "Hi, Bruce." 

"Nat," he turned to June. "Hi, June." 

June nodded, gave him the same smile Nat had and waved, fully aware of Steve standing next to her. 

"This is awkward," Sam coughed from behind. 

June turned hands on her hips and gave him a look. "Maybe we should head somewhere else, Ross wants us in another unwater prison and I hear somethings gone down." 

Rhodey cleared his throat. "Let's go, kids, single file." Same chuckled and hobbled with Vision toward the door Rhodey gestured towards. Wanda and the other two went through first, closely followed by Rhodey, then Nat and Bruce, speaking in hushed tones. June and Steve brought up the rear and didn't speak after a few steps. 

"You okay?" 

June nodded and pressed her nail into the pad of her thumb. "As good as I can get." 

Steve stopped spun to face her and placed both his hands on June's shoulders. "If you want to go home? I'll take you home. If you don't feel safe there? I'll take you somewhere you will be." 

June smiled gratefully. "That's sweet of you Steve, really, it is. But say something happens to you, or Iris, and all I was doing was sitting on the couch watching the news. I would never live that down, I'd blame everything on me. It's better- honestly, it is, don't look at me like that- than to be tearing my hair out at home." 

She pulled away, following Nat as she held to door open to a different room. "Come on you two, no smooching in the hallway." 

June pointed an accusing finger and raised an eyebrow. Nat grinned and closing the door behind the three of them, joined the misshapen circle of half of the Avengers. 

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