Author's Note

943 18 10

It's over, holy cow

The second book in what I have decided I am calling The Summer Time Series is complete and I have so many people to thank 

YouGotLokid MundieORiley rxndomsky KitCatWolfMCSW CaptainMarvel64 OnceInYourLife Blair_Skye

These are people who have stuck with this book through thick and thin. If you have read this book, and your name is not on this list, I, by no means, do not need to offend you. These were just people that showed up first in my notifications. 

Special thanks to the first two in that list, for both chatting with my dumb ass and swapping story ideas. You two mean a lot to me. 

Thank you so much to everyone who read, voted, and commented on this book. I truly cannot stress how much you guys mean to me. You keep me writing, posting every week. I wake to your comments and laugh, and it really brings me to a good start, I'm so grateful for every single one of you. 

Props to MundieORiley for agreeing to become my beta reader/proofreader/ editor. We really haven't thought up a name for it yet lmao, love you, sweetie. You're hilarious, a wonder to talk to, and an amazing person. Our conversations make me laugh every time, without fail. 

Thank you for the 9,000 reads and 300 votes, and though at it's completion, this book has less than 'Pull', I am no less grateful. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. 

I really cannot stress how much I owe everything to you all who read, vote, and comment on these books. Thank you, really. 

Torn is still ongoing, and already has 2,000 reads and 100 votes, you guys are awesome 

Somehow, someway, Push has 56,000 reads and 2,000 votes. I'm in shock. I didn't think this book would receive that many reads, or votes. You all continue to amaze me. 

Thank you again for reading, I can never do it enough. 

Stay not dead, 


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