Chapter 20: "We may or may not have listened to you."

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Vision helped June to her feet, still holding the blood-covered knife in the other. June stared gobsmacked at his forehead. Where the stone would've been was not a hole, but a small indentation in the shape of the gem. It wasn't yellow but green and red like the rest of his metallic skin. 

June let out a breathless laugh. "She did it." 

"She did," came a voice from behind a tree. Shuri stepped out, grinning with her two guards trailing behind her. "Did you have doubts?" 

June shrugged, smirking just a bit. "Maybe, I'm just... not used to seeing him without it. What does it feel like?" She addressed Vision last. 

He looked quizzical, deep in thought. "I suppose something like a part of me is missing, I can no longer feel it's presence." 

"Do we have it?" June looked to the princess, and she held up a small, silver and blue canister. Inside, hovered the Mind Stone, as though on an invisible string. "Where did you get that?" The container wasn't bigger than her hand and was small enough to fit in her palm. 

Shuri shrugged this time, looking a bit sheepish. "We may or may not have listened to you." 

June raised an eyebrow. "Elaborate please." 

"We went back to the ship, circled around until your battle had moved." At those words, June gave her the stink eye and Shuri held up her unoccupied hand. "We needed something to contain the stone, none of us would be able to hold it, save for Vision perhaps, but I didn't want to take the risk." 

June couldn't argue with that logic and nodded. "I suppose I won't stay mad at you." She grinned, and then remembered her fallen comrades. The smile quickly vanished. "Princess I- they didn't make it. I'm so sorry." 

Shuri's grin washed away, her color leaving with it. She froze for a moment and choked out a word. "Where?" 

June looked behind her, near the base of a tree where the second tribeswoman had died. Shuri's and everyone else's gaze followed hers. "The other is on top of the hill," June whispered. 

The princess turned to the last two guards and whispered something in Wakandan to both of them. The nodded, crossed their arms over their chests, and went to a different fallen warrior. June didn't see what they were doing, she didn't want to. She felt like she was intruding in on some sacred ritual she shouldn't know in the first place. 

A few minutes of staring at the ground, avoiding the eyes of the princess, the guards returned and spoke again in Wakandan. Shuri nodded twice, trying to discreetly wipe a tear away. June felt a pang in her heart. 

Breaking the painful silence, June cleared. "A-as much as I want to give you time to mourn, we need to get that to Wanda." She pointed to the stone in Shuri's hand, "She's the only one who can take care of it. Do we have a ground ship that's usable?" 

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