Chapter 21: "Run down as many of them as you can."

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June had absolutely no clue how to pilot this ship. None. 

The controls looked vaguely familiar, maybe from a high-tech car or some sort, but that was a stretch. 

"Er," She turned to Vision. "Do you have any idea how to work this thing?" 

He stepped forward, hands hovering over the controls. "I suppose I could try." 

"It's better than I could do." And it was. 

Vision pressed a button, June didn't see which one and the ship lifted from the ground, engines glowing an electric blue. Another movement of his hand and the ship cruised forward. 

June swore quietly, and grabbed onto the seat next to her, steadying herself. "When was the last time you flew something like this?" 


June laughed loudly, and Vision kindly smiled back at her. 

The moved through a runway of sorts, between two, tall buildings. The shadows cast from them kept them cloaked from anyone watching, though June suspected nobody was. 

They pulled off of the runway, onto an immense, grassy field June had seen from her view in the royal tower. Vast, and completely occupied with creatures from space, Wakandans, and Avengers alike, blood had been spilled on nearly every corner of it. A silver stream divided it in half but seemed to only be knee deep at the most. 

June flexed her fingers, clasping the Mind Stone containment to her belt. "Run down as many of them as you can." Vision nodded pushing the vehicle faster, careful to avoid friendlies. Mainly, he drove into large groups of the aliens, impossible to penetrate otherwise, and mowed them down. 

Occasionally, a few would grab onto the sides of the hull, and lug themselves onto the ship. It was June's un-spoken job to take care of them. And that's exactly what she did. 

Fueled and rejuvenated from her previous fight, June kicked ass and took names.

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Steve saw her ride in on the land-cruiser as soon as it flew onto the field. 

He brushed his dirt-smeared hair out of his eyes and looked up. Vision seemed to be flying the thing, aiming for any groups of aliens, avoiding their allies. 

June had her shoulders squared, shield strapped to her back, knives on her things (where did she get those?) and something else dangling from her belt. 

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