Chapter 15: "The farther Vision is away from Thanos, the better."

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June walked out of the building, blood flowing freely from the wound on her cheek. 

Parked on the landing bay, was a ship. Triangular in shape, it looked higher tech than the Quinjet. About a half-a-dozen guards stood next to the ramp and at the sight of a bloody June, they raised their spears. 

One of them called out to Shuri, who came running off the ship and stared. "You looked like you've bathed in your own blood." She spotted the streaks of black blood amongst the red. "Though I assume not all of it is yours?" 

"I don't bleed black, do I?" June winced when her cheek stung when she spoke. 

Shuri noticed the movement and gestured for her to follow. The guards lowered their weapons and walked in after her, still watching June closely. 

The blood-covered woman cleared her throat. "I also may or may not need a band-aid." 

They stepped inside the ship, and June gazed around. It was triangular, like the exterior. The walls were a light gray, accented by the occasional blue streak of light. One of the guards walked past them to take the pilot seat, setting her spear aside. 

Once she'd finished surveying the vessel, June twitched her jaw, bringing her finger up to touch the cut gently. The stinging returned tenth fold and June's fingers pulled away coated in crimson. 

The princess paused, and smiled, reaching for a compartment on the bench. June noticed Vision laying on another medical table, eyes closed, and breathing evenly. At the sound of her footsteps following Shuri, he opened them and smiled gently in her direction. June returned the gesture. 

A clearing of a throat sounded behind her. June turned to find Shuri holding a small, metal looking sphere between her fingers. She raised an eyebrow. "I'm assuming these are some sort of fancy Wakandan tech?"  

"We call them Kimoyo beads, it will help." June shrugged, putting her trust in the younger girl as she leaned forward. 

Shuri reached up to the cut on her face and placed the metal bead in the middle of the gash. 

June clamped down her teeth in an effort to stop herself from crying out. The pain increased when Shuri touched the wound like it had when she'd done the same, but the pain faded almost immediately. 

"Give it a moment to heal," Shuri pulled away, holding a square of gauze in the other hand. "Just don't touch it." 

June nodded and didn't move a muscle as Shuri taped the fabric to her cheekbone. The princess stepped away, returning to Vision's side and opening up the hologram. "Where are we going?" 

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