Chapter 8: "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something."

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The Quinjet ride was longer than the first. 

An hour? Two hours? Probably closer to three. All June knew was that she'd gained access to a computer aboard the jet, and found the New York footage from that morning. 

She's spent the majority of the ride going through the entire newsreel, that, and the security cameras she managed to access. 

There was no doubt in her mind now, Iris was in space. With Stephen Strange, Tony Stark, and Peter Parker. Throw a couple aliens into the mix, and June was sure all was not well and dandy. 

Steve sat next to her, watching everything over her shoulder. He barely said a word, at least to her, he knows what's good for him then, June thought as she re-watched the footage of Iris throwing an alien into a building that looked suspiciously like her sister's apartment. 

Sam was flying the Quinjet, with Nat in the co-pilot seat. Bruce and Rhodey sat on the bench opposite of her, chatting quietly. Rhodey had a case at his feet, containing the War Machine armor Tony had upgraded for him before he'd flown into space. Wanda paced the length of the jet, often returning to sit next to Vision, on the left of Bruce. 

Nat sat on June's other side, occasionally looking at the footage, but mostly keeping to herself. She could've used a bit of chatter louder than a hush. Though the audio from the computer did provide a bit of noise, not any she welcomed, however. 

Steve cleared his throat next to her and finally spoke. "She's beautiful, you two look so much alike." 

June tilted her head toward his, corner of her lips twitching. "Was that a veiled compliment Steve? I haven't heard one of those in a while." 

He smiled with his lips and stood. "I'll be right back." 

June shrugged. "I'm not worried, there's hardly anywhere you can go." 

He faked gasped. "You're not worried?" 

"Don't tempt me, Rogers." A salute from Steve and June turned back to the monitor. 

It was the fifth time she was watching the segment, but she couldn't help it. Iris was watching Stephen being carried into the air, along with Peter, when she floated to the ground again, distressed. As soon as she'd landed, hitting her fist against the concrete for good measure, a crimson cape (a cloak?) all by itself, floated from somewhere over to her. It flicked its collar (all by itself! June had seen weirder, true, but the fact that a sentient cloak was hovering around her sister poked her overprotective side just a bit.)

Iris grinned, grabbed it, and flung it over her shoulder. It flew her into the air, toward the spaceship (June could only catch so much of it from the cameras). Tony flew after them, and then clip ended, and June was met with a reporters face.

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