Chapter 16: "Barrel roll this thing!"

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"Get us the hell out of here, now." That was all it took for the guard in the driver seat to punch the gas. 

Their ship gained more altitude and shot toward the border. June stumbled back against the wall at the sudden change in direction, gripping on the railing for support. Vision had rolled halfway off the table, and Shuri was currently helping him back onto it. 

"Can you operate on him in a moving ship?" 

Shuri looked at her. "I don't have a choice." 

June didn't argue with that, she had bigger things to worry about. Like the thing still on the roof, if it hadn't been knocked off from the speed.  

The guards still stood at attention, watching the inside of the roof like hawks, waiting for any movement. 

They got some. 

The tip of a spear pierced the metal, screeching. June bit back a startled yelp and gripped her shield even tighter. "Barrel roll this thing!" 

"I need you to hold onto something then." 

June grabbed the railing, shrugging the shield to her back and gesturing for Vision to come closer. "Shuri, get to the co-pilot seat." No one argued. 

Vision stumbled over, and June made him hold on with both hands, doing the same for herself. The rest of the guard followed her lead, and Shuri strapped into the seat, clutching the armrests. 

The pilot took one look backward and jerked the wheel to the right. 

June didn't even try and hold back the shriek that left her mouth when she slammed against the wall. 

It seemed to happen in slow motion: one second, she was holding the railing, bracing herself against the wall, and the next, she was upside down. Vision next to her somehow still remained on the floor, feet firmly planted. She guessed it to be some sort of magnetization feature. 

June wished she had one of those. 

The ship turned completely upside down, and June felt one of her hands leave the railing. He feet were in the air, her shield had nearly been un-clipped, and she struggled to find a hold on anything solid. 

He stomach churred, not used to behind flung around like this. June's eyes widened in fear as she felt her other hand begin to slip. 

Then the ship rightened, and June fell to the floor. She landed on both knees, one hand still gripping the bar, and the other bracing itself against the floor. Vision kneeled down next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" 

She coughed, wiping the spit from the corner of her mouth. "Been better." He helped her to shaky feet as they both took inventory. 

The guards were in a similar situation in varying positions on the floor. They didn't make a sound as those kneeling stood, clutching their spears. Shuri remained unharmed, strapped to the seat, though she looked a little sick.  

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