Chapter 14: "Any last words?"

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June had never run so fast in her life. 

There was, however, a small problem, two actually: whatever kind of alien was chasing her had superhuman speed, and the floor beneath her was incredibly slippery. 

June cursed under her breath as she dashed around a corner, holding onto the wall for support. She turned her head to see the alien a few dozen steps behind her and gaining every passing second. 

Transitioning backward, June threw the shield strapped to her arm. It bounced off the wall, and the creature, to distracted with making a beeline toward her, didn't have time to deflect it. The metal disk smacked him in the side of the head, then bounced back to June's hand. The alien fell to one knee, and she took off. 

It occurred to the brunette a couple of stumbled corners later, that if she continued running to the ship, the alien would follow her, and this whole chase sequence would have been for nothing. 

Coming to a split second decision she'd probably regret later, June hid around the next bend, shield in hand, and waited. Sure enough, roughly six seconds later, footsteps came tearing closer. 

As soon as they were right next to her corner, June lashed out with her shield, slapping her pursuer smack in the face, and sending him straight to the floor. 

She grinned as the alien groaned rolling on his side. "Steve taught me that one took me a while to get it right, worth it though." 

A deep snarl. "You shall die for that, pest."  

"We'll see." June popped her neck, and rushed, while the alien was still on his knees, with her shield poised for impact. 

At the last possible moment, he flipped onto his back, planted his feet onto her oncoming chest, and sent her flying over his head. 

It was June's turn to go sprawling to her back, the wind knocked out of her. She gasped for breath. Should've seen that one coming, she mentally scolded herself, trying to suck in a clean breath of air. 

The alien advanced, chuckling lowly as he watched her on the floor. "Hurts, doesn't it?"  

June would've answered if she could breathe properly, but that was still an issue. 

The tip of his spear came tearing toward her face, and as her eyes widened, June swung up the shield to block it. The impact form the two sent vibrations down her arm, and she did her best to swing the blade to the side with her shield. She spun, lashing out with her leg like before, but he jumped backward, swinging the spear down at the same time. June barely had enough time to move before it crashed down exactly where she'd been crouched two seconds before. 

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