Chapter 25: "Don't be dead, please dear God, don't be dead."

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June didn't black out for long, barely fifteen seconds, but it sure felt like longer. A lot longer. 

She came to, blinking open her eyes, trying to regain her bearings. June winced as she breathed inhaled, instantly reaching to clutch his ribcage. A sharp, almost stabbing pain had burst somewhere on the left side of his ribcage. Cracked rib, she guessed, maybe two, and maybe broken. 

Just dandy. 

Gritting her teeth, June pushed herself to her feet, spotting her shield a few inches away from her head. She grabbed it, strapping it to her arm and using it to prop herself up against the tree. The world spun, and a dizzying sense of nausea washed over her. 

She took a deep breath, willing herself to keep the bile down and swallow it. With a grimace, she did, looking around for Steve, any of the others, or even Thanos. 

She didn't have to look far, because six feet away, Steve was holding back Thanos' gloved left hand. He looked as though it was taking every inch of strength he had in him. 

Bending down, still holding her side, June grabbed the two knives that had fallen from her hands when she'd been thrown into the tree. Sheathing them both, she straightened as much as she could, preparing to hurl the shield and herself at Thanos again. 

Steve's limbs shook as he grit his teeth, holding back Thanos' singular him with both of his. He wasn't even using any of the stones; he looked bored, regarding Steve curiously. 

June screamed his name, just as he'd done for her, and it nearly cost him his life. 

Her scream caused him to look to her, to June, leaning against a tree, holding her shield. It caused him to lose a fraction of his concentration, and because of it, Thanos sent him spiraling to the ground. 

Steve collapsed on impact, and June screamed again, this time, in furry. Hurling the shield as hard as she could, and aiming directly for Thanos' stupid head, she straightened fully, ready to charge again. 

He didn't even bat an eyelash, swiping the flying shield aside as June, instead of charging toward Thanos, sprinted to Steve, lying unmoving on the forest floor.  

June knelt beside him, "Don't be dead, please dear God, don't be dead." She felt for a pulse, falling back in relief when she found a faint heartbeat. 

Anxiousness quickly fading into rage, June lept from the ground and up into a fight, a stab of pain shooting through her ribs. 

She ignored it as best she could, grabbing the knives on her thighs, eyeing Thanos with his back to her. 

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