Chapter 13: "There is someone, I don't know who, waiting us out right outside."

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"We cannot afford another problem." 

June shrugged and walked closer to Shuri. "Tell that to the guy who's waiting us out right now." 

"What?" Wanda joined the conversation, a mix of fury and shock swimming in her eyes. 

The gears in June's head were turning madly, formulating any reasonable explanation it could come up with. She took a deep breath and tried to tell the group the most logical theory jumping around in her head. "There is someone, I don't know who, waiting us out right outside. My guess? He's waiting for us to send Wanda down." 

Wanda did a double take. "Why? Steve said to-" 

"Steve is currently losing a battle he can't win, not without some serious backup." The wheels in her head turned faster, finally putting two and two together. "They're betting on us knowing that." 

Shuri listened in, still working madly on the hologram of the Mind Stone. "Explain." 

June took another deep breath. "Without Wanda at our side, we have to get the Stone to her, instead of her walking a dozen steps. We're at a serious predicament here, because if we don't send Wanda down to help, they're going to lose, and the army will invade your city, and will find us here." 

Shuri paused her work for a fraction of a second, and Wanda still looked fearful. The later spoke first. "So... what do we do?" 

June looked out of the floor to ceiling window, sinking into deep thought. They had two options, and two options only: send Wanda down, and deal with whoever was stalking them, or don't send her, and simply prolong the inevitable. Both choices would result in lives lost, and June had to decide which would cause less. 

It was a horrible weight upon her shoulders, crushing her from the inside, but she squared them and came to a decision that could make or break them.  

"We send Wanda down and kick whoever's ass that thinks they can surprise us." Shuri didn't argue, and June assumed the princess didn't have a better plan, and thus, agreed with hers. 

Wanda, on the other hand, seemed hesitant. "But the Stone, how-" 

"We'll get it to you, I'll get it to you, somehow, but we have bigger things to worry about." June spared another glance out of the windows and paled. "Like that." 

Everyone's head (including Shuri's and Vision's) shot toward the window on her words. 

The trees rippled, and out came roaring several machines that June could only describe as downright terrifying

Four enormous, flat circles were bound in the middle some distance apart from each other. Grey in color, the metal coating their exteriours was harsh and unforgiving. Their edges were spiked and tore up the ground as they ran through the battlefield. Both Wakandan's and alien creatures fled from their paths, and June whipped to face Wanda. 

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