Chapter 24: "Cap, that's him."

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The thing that stepped out of the portal was at least eight feet tall and purple. 

That was a first, but it certainly wasn't the weirdest thing June had seen today or any day for that matter. 

He (June thought it looked like a 'he') wore some kind of armor, exposing his arms and shoulders. Deep blue and gold in color, it matched his boots and pants. 

The one thing that caught June's attention, however, was the glove on his left hand. 

It was solid gold and looked awfully heavy. Encrusted into the knuckle of each finger was a gem of different colors: red, blue, purple, orange, and green. There was a divet on the back of his hand, roughly the size of the Mind Stone. 

June could put two and two together. 

"Cap," Bruce spoke up behind them. "That's him." 

June readjusted the grip on her shield strap. She turned her head to Steve, "I'll go right." 

He finished her sentence. "I'll take left." 

And with both of them clutching their shields, they rushed Thanos. 

They didn't even get within striking distance. 

With a bright purple flash of light, June and Steve went flying backward. Steve's back collided with a tree trunk, and June went rolling to the ground. Her shield had been knocked out of her hand, a mere foot away from her outstretched hand. She scrambled for it, fingers clawing it up from the dirt as she watched Bruce in the Hulkbuster armor go flying into a solid wall of rock with a gleam of blue light this time. 

She blinked and saw that the armor was literally embedded in the rock, as though it had been there for thousands of years. June's mouth dropped. Thanos hadn't even broken a sweat, with a flick of his hand, nearly half the team was on the ground. If that was all it took, they were screwed. Very much screwed. 

June watched as, within seconds, two more of her team were thrown around like rag dolls. The King of Wakanda, suit glowing purple for some reason, raced to Thanos, who grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the ground. Sam flew in from above, guns blazing, and with a red glow, his wings collapsed, looking like they had the consistency of rubber, and he fell to the floor. 

June downright chucked the shield at Thanos, already reaching for the knives on her thighs when he batted it away with a lazy hand, focusing now, on Bucky and Rhodey.  

The first, bullets flying out of his gun, was punched away by purple light. Rhodey flew too close, and Thanos reached up, holding his neck and crushing the armor, and tossed him away. 

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