Chapter 18: "We obey your commands until Princess Shuri returns."

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June swore for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. 

Spear in hand, the alien stood between two trees just before the forest thickened. The clearing they'd crash-landed into suddenly seemed so much less peaceful. 

Vision next to her tensed and so did the guards behind her. Shuri, a dozen or so paces in front of her, didn't even so much as breathe as she gazed at their newcomer. 

June flexed her fingers, fully preparing to grab her shield at a moment's notice. "I suppose we're both hard to kill. I'm also guessing you heal at a stupidly fast rate." 

A tiny smile made June fight back a shiver. "You shall not survive this time." 

"Don't make promises you can't keep." 

He took a step forward, and Shuri finally managed to scramble to her feet, and raced behind June, panting. June herself took the time to unhook the shield from her back and sling it over her arm. 

The alien took another step forward, speeding up. June squared her shoulders, "Shuri, take Vision and two of your guards. Get back to the city, find somewhere to hide, and get the stone out of his forehead." 

Shuri did a double take, eyes flicking between her and the alien standing in front of them. "And you?" 

"I'll hold him off, and find you later, go. I won't say it again." And Shuri didn't need her tom. She muttered a few words to her guards in Wakandan, and they, her, and Vision booked it for the tree line. 

The alien's eyes followed them as the other two remaining guards walked up behind her and stood on either side. June muttered quietly to them, "What did she tell you?" 

"We obey your commands until Princess Shuri returns." 

June hummed under her breath. "Well ladies, let's throw his ass back to whatever planet he came from." 

He turned back to their small group, snarling. "If I have to kill all three of you to get to the stone, I will."  

The guards let out a Wakandan battle cry, brandishing their spears as June chased after them. 

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Steve saw the ship go down from the field. 

At first, hardly anyone had noticed it until smoke began to pour in copious amounts from the rear, and Steve saw the faint flicker of orange. 

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