Chapter 22: "Great, I need a pickup"

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The outsider army was depleting, slowly but surely. 

Dashing through aliens and warriors, June kept her head up, scanning for any sign of bright, red magic. 

First, however, and completely by accident, she charged into Natasha. The red-head looked startled at the sight of her. "June what-" 

"Wanda, where's Wanda?" 

Nat pointed toward the tree line. "Bruce was having some trouble, she went to help him." 

June smiled her way and bolted away, Natasha calling her name behind her. June pressed her finger to the commlink in her ear. "Vision? You getting this?" 

"I am." 

"Great," June continued running, dodging an alien to the left. "I need a pickup." 

Vision sounded skeptical. "And how do you suggest I find you?" 

June already had a plan for that one. "Just keep an eye out, genius." Pausing next to the stream she'd seen earlier, June grabbed the shield from her back and chucked in forty feet, straight up in the air. 

It came spiraling back down, and she let it land in the dirt next to her. If she'd tried to catch it, it would've probably taken her arm off. Steve would've done it no problem. 

"You see that?" 

"I did, I'm on my way." 

June grinned, scanning the battlefield for Vision and the ship. 

It was easy, it was really the only vehicle engaged, and it took her all of fifteen seconds to spot it.  

Farther away than she'd anticipated, June occupied herself with beating the shit out of a few choice aliens. 

With a resounding smack, she swipped aside an alien headed straight for her head and did the same for another. She was on a roll. 

Hooking the shield on her back again, June reached for the knives on her thighs, spinning them in her palms. "Come and get it, assholes." And they did. 

With a close-quarters weapon in her hands, June was forced to get much more up close and personal with them, which was not a good thing. Not only were they fast for their size, deadly too, but they smelled. June had to hold her breath as she ducked under an outstretched arm, only to slice it off in one fluid motion. 

Black blood spewed everywhere, and she didn't pause to wipe some off her cheek and forehead. 

She did pause, however, when the massive explosion rocked the ground beneath her.  

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