Chapter 9: "Evacuate the city, engage all defense procedures."

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After silently laughing at Bruce for a few moments, and a genuinely pleasant and happy reunion with Bucky, they'd all been ushered inside. 

June, despite having her close ties with nearly everyone in their group, was left to walk solo instead of in a pair: Steve chatted with Bucky, both occasionally flashing smiles (If she didn't know both of them so well, she'd assumed they were a couple), Wanda with Vision, Nat and Sam, Bruce and Rhodey still marveling about the city, and T'Challa spoke quietly in the front with one of the female guards. 

June felt oddly alone, even in her group of friends. Steve never knew what she did to keep Iris from harm, true, Natasha did, but a swear to secrecy prevented her from telling anyone. There were still awkward strings between her and Bruce, as well as Wanda. Vision held no grudge, as far as they were concerned, neither did Rhodey, Sam, nor T'Challa. She didn't know any of them well enough to do so anyway. 

Bucky was... a good man. Better than most assumed him to be. Aside from Nat, maybe he was the one that understood her means of action. Steve understood them, true but did he agree with her willingness to sacrifice a life if it was necessary? Not really. 

But Steve was just so kind. It baffled her just how much of it Steve held. He gave everyone second chances, thirds, and even fourths. June believed everyone had kindness, some more than others, and Steve was just one of those people. Add that to his Gentleman manners, an overwhelming sense to right the wrongs in the world, and let's be honest, the man was packed, you got a nearly perfect human being that had somehow picked June out of a crowd. 

June shook herself out of her thoughts (and maybe a little self-pity) and took in her surroundings. 

She'd walked toward a wall of windows, facing something close to a medical table. Vision was laying on it, Wanda, Bruce with his glasses on, and a friend of T'Challa. June thought she looked like a sister to him. Steve stood next to her, Nat on his other side. Sam, Rhodey, and Bucky had all left them and returned outside, something about keeping watch. 

There was a beaded bracelet on the teen's wrist, and when she clenched her hands, a bright, blue beam reached out and scanned over Vision's body. It didn't seem to hurt him, not from June's point of view, but Wanda looked ready to kick her across the room if she caused Vision any more pain. 

Once the beam had moved completely over him, she turned her hand over, and a hologram of Vision's stone illuminated in the palm of her hand. 

She looked at it quizzically. "Whoa. The structure is polymorphic." 

Bruce looked up nodding. "Right, we had to attach each neuron non-sequentially." 

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively?" 

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