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It's early Thursday morning...

"Hey ma, how are you today?"

"I'm ok baby, I'm feeling a lil strange but I'm ok."

"Why strange, what you mean?"

"Because I seen a man today who looked just like your dad, almost as if it was your dad himself."

I took a long pause and just sat there with my head down, I was speechless. But I know that's not possible because my dad passed away year's ago.

" Well mom, you know they say everyone has a look a like, maybe he's dads look a like."

"Maybe,but I had gotten an eerie feeling when I seen that man, but maybe it's just me, God rest his soul."

"Im sure it was nothing Ma don't stress it."

My mom and dad had a pretty good relationship as far as I can remember. He was a really nice man.

He died in a car accident and his body was so unrecognizable they thought it would be best if we cremated him.

We never seen his body but we had a really nice service for him, I miss my dad and I know my mom does too.

She hasn't been with another man since my dad.

"So Dreka when do I get to meet this new man of yours?"

"Actually that's what I was calling you about, we wanted to come over for Sunday dinner,and he has a daughter."

"Oh yes, that would be great I have to buy me a new wig!"

"Mom, please don't embarrass me."

"I won't darling, I promise, I'm just so happy for you."

"Thanks Mommy, but I have to go now, I love you Ma talk to you later,ok?"

"Ok honey, love you too."

A few hours later....

"Where you been homegirl? I been waiting on you all day."

"Well if you must know homeboy, I've been taking care of business, running errands and so on, you know the usual."

"Damn, I love your independency and shit, my baby is a keeper!"

"Oh yeah,is that right?"

"Yep, it's sexy on you, you are your own woman, and dammit you wear it well!"

"Well thanks babe, I try, I don't need a nigga for shit,I got this."

"I wouldn't say all that, you still need a man like me for that good jug."

"I can get a dildo."

"You'll never find one like mine, plus it can do you like I can."

"Ok I'll let you have that, you give me some real good loving, I can't get enough."

"I can't get enough either, bring that ass here girl!"

So we managed to get a quickie in before somebody oh somebody knockes on his door.


"Damn, who the fuck is it!" He grabs the remote off of the floor in the living room and turns to his cameras.

"Aw shit that's Kelz baby, give me a sec."

"I ain't going nowhere."

Jayce & Dreka Where stories live. Discover now