Mz. Dreka

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I dont know why I keep having these weird dreams, I have to call my mom, maybe she can make some sense out of it.

"Ma, what you doing? "

"Just made it home from the grocery store, why? "

"Something is bothering me, and I need you to make some sense out of it for me. "

"What is it baby, What's wrong?"

"Well I keep having these strange dreams and I don't know why? "

"What are they about Dreka?"

"Well one is about my dad, I keep seein him in my dream in different places like he's following me or something. "

" In the other dream I got kidnapped, they put me in a trunk, blindfolded and tied up, I could do nothing, and then all of a sudden the car stopped, and all I could hear was a woman and a man arguing, then the trunk opened. "

"I can never finish the dream it always stop at them opening the trunk, I don't get it ma. "

"Well baby that is a bit odd, maybe your dad is trying to warn you about something , that possibly could be coming your way, it may have something to do with someone try to kidnap you, or someone close to you."

"What if my dream is trying to warn me about my dad, or the man you seen awhile back who you said looks just like Dad, what if someone is after me. "

"Why would someone be after you Dreka?"

"I don't know ma, that's what I'm trying to figure out. I mean I do feel like someone has been watching me for the past for days but nothing has happened."

"I don't know baby, just be careful Dreka, and it couldn't be your dad, you know they had to cremate him because the car wreck he had was really bad and he was unrecognizable, I didn't want us to remember him like that so I never viewed the body, I couldn't bare it."

My Dad was in a really bad accident with an 18 wheeler coming from one of his business trips. He had stopped by the gas station to probably get some gas or something .The 18 Wheeler was bagging up and supposedly didn't see my dad and backed straight over him. He was on his way home to us but he never made it.

"I am going to say a very special prayer for you tonight before I go to bed, be aware of your surroundings, and never go anywhere alone, God has your back, and I want you to say a prayer and ask God to keep you, protect you and be with you, and watch over you at all times, God is able Dreka, just trust him baby."

"Thank you mama, I needed that and I will, I love you ma your the best, you know that right? "

"I love you too baby and of course I am sugar, I'm the daughter of a king baby, and he's excellent,where you think I get it from boo."

Hearing her say that just put a big smile on my face. My momma is so strong and very spiritual, she always know just what to say.

"Yea you right ma, we are definitely children of God. "

"That's right."
"Now where is that hunk of a man of yours at? "

"I don't know, he's probably out running errands or something, I'll give him a call in just a minute though. "

"Aw look at my baby, somebody's woman, soon to be wife, I think I hear wedding bells !"

"Ma don't start and what do you mean wedding bells honey?"

"Well when y'all came to my house the other Sunday, me and Jayce were having a conversation and he told me he could possibly see marriage in you all's future, well after I asked of course."

"Oh is that right? "

"Yep, and I was so overjoyed I gave him a big hug and an extra to go plate, that man can eat baby. "

"Yes, he sure can. "

But I ain't talking about no food. I'm talking about this kitty cat, but she ain't gotta know that.

"Well that's good to know , I could see a future with him and Leah, I really can, but you never know, so I'm just hoping for the best, ya know? "

"Yea, I know Ms. Dreka, you got you a good one honey, you go girl! "

We both laughed hysterically .

"Bye mom I have to go, I gotta call my man. "

"Ok baby, talk to you later love you."

"Love you too. "

"Hey baby what's up?! "

"Hey babe, what you doing , I was just checking on you, where's Leah?"

"Damn bae, you didn't even let me answer the first question, hahahaha. "

"Hahahaha, shutup."

"Naw bae I'm just messing with you, you good, but I'm on my way to the house now and Leah at the house with Taysia."

"Aw ok what you got up later?"

"Shit, hopefully you in the air grinding on my tongue and bouncing up and down on this dick, giving it to you just like you love it baby. "

"Damn Jayce, you always know just whae to say to get me hot and bothered."

"That's my job baby, how was your day though ?"

"It was good, can't complain, ready to make my way over to you after while. "

"After awhile, why not now, where you going?"

"Now listen at you Mr. 21 questions." We both laughed out loud.

"I gotta stop by the office, then by Rudy's house for a minute, is that okay with you sir."

"Aight baby see you then, love you."

"Awww I love you too baby. "

Oh my God, he just told me he love me. I wonder did he mean it or was it an accident and he just flowed with it. I can't wait to tell Rudy, come through Jayce come through, you got ya girl feeling herself now. All smiles this way, he just made my whole entire day.


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