The Comfy Canoe

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              The 4 Baudelaire children were still sailing towards the city a few hours after leaving. The 3 girls were asleep while Klaus stayed awake hoping for a sight of land. Sunny Baudelaire woke up after her short nap to see her brother looking distraught. "What's wrong" she asked. "I'm just thinking about the Quagmires and Widdershins". "I mean, do you think we will ever see them again" asked Klaus. "Yes" Sunny replied. She thought about the Quagmires. She did not remember much about them, but she knew that they would not be content floating in the air not being able to help anybody. Than she thought about Fiona and Fernald. She knew they were at sea somewhere and...

            "Look" called Klaus. Violet woke with a start and saw what Klaus was talking about. It was a small container. Violet pulled it out of the water and read it out. "Female, Finnish pirates found -CW". What could that mean asked Klaus. "Wait look on the back" said Violet. It's a code. Wait it says "First two first letters, skip the next word". "Ok so that means it says F,F found CW". "What could that mean" wondered Klaus.

           "Wait" he exclaimed. "This must be somebody from V.F.D". "And they must be at sea" said Violet. "Fiona" shrieked Sunny. Than Beatrice woke up and started crying. Violet went over to comfort her. Klaus tried to decipher the message and blurted "There are two F's, that must be Fiona and her brother Fernald. Then it says found. They must have found something. CW", "Hmm" said Violet. "Captain Widdershins" said. "They found their step father" said Violet. "That's good news" said Sunny. "And I have better news" said Klaus. They all looked forward and gasped.....

After A Series Of Unfortunate Events "Where stories live. Discover now