The Wailing Widdershins

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         It had been about 5 minutes since the four companions had entered the sewer. Phil was still feeling quite optimistic and was happy they didn't encounter a sewer monster he read about in a book. Fiona was feeling quite exasperated and frustrated because of her step-father forgetting the way around the tunnel.

         Fernald was trying his best to help his step-father and regain his approval. Finally Captain Widdershins was also getting a bit frustrated with himself as he could not remember how to find his way across the underground tunnel they were currently inside of.

          "Ah here it is" Captain Widdershins exclaimed. "The Last Safe Place" he finished. "So a secret organization would leave a place harnessing all it's intel unlocked in a sewer" Fernald asked. "Well I've never thought of it that way" Captain Widdershins replied, slightly amused. He attempted to walk forward until he felt a jolt. "Oooooooooowwwwwww" he screamed

         This jolt that Captain Widdershins felt was both figurative and literal. He of course felt a literal jolt to the stomach as he had just walked straight into the doorknob that he had thought he opened. He also felt a figurative jolt or shock as he was shocked to realize that he was wrong and that the door was locked. "That's impossible" the captain said, in slight pain from the literal jolt he felt. "There's no lock on the door" he said. "Father there's a V.F.D lock right there" Fiona said. "Ah" Captain Widdershins realized.

         This lock was something Captain Widdershins had mixed feelings about. I am using the phrase mixed feelings again as I mentioned at the start of this report on V.F.D that I would be using it a lot. Captain Widdershins felt mixed feelings about the 3 V.F.D locks he now saw. He was happy to know that the room was secure. He was also afraid nobody was inside and that they would have to solve all three locks to get in. 

After A Series Of Unfortunate Events "Where stories live. Discover now