The Xanthic Xylophone

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        Xanthic is a word which here means yellowish.

          Lemony Snicket was currently sailing on his way to The Island. He was ready to fulfill the mission that he and his darling Beatrice had set out to do long ago. He had a map along with him and was able to find a way to The Island using his cartography skills. He did have a secret hope as well. He was deeply hoping he would find the Baudelaire's stranded on the island and would be able to find them at last.

         It had been quite awhile since he had taken the sugar bowl from the castle of Duchess Jacquelyn. Suddenly he saw a canoe that looked all to familiar. He also saw the name of his beloved. "Beatrice" the boat read. He saw the boat from afar as well as the four passengers who he immediately called out for. Sadly the boat was too far away for the passengers to be able to hear him.

         As you must realize now is that those four figures were the Baudelaire's along with Lemony's niece. This is when Lemony had it almost confirmed in his mind that his Sister must be dead as the Island was the last place that she could have been where she would still be able to be alive today. He of course could have changed course (No pun intended) and could have easily caught up to the Baudelaire's or fulfill his mission and keep The Sugar Bowl out of evil hands forever. He chose the latter option which we will soon find out if it was the correct decision.

         Finally, after a few hours Lemony saw The Island in the distance. His boat was heading straight for a low point in the wall around the island. The wind was going really fast which signalled a storm coming. As he approached the wall the boat was shot up into the air and lifted over the sea wall. Lemony got up to see that his boat was very damaged but still repairable. He knew he only had two hours to get off the island if he wanted to get back to the mainland anytime in the next year.

         He examined his boat and saw that a yellowish xylophone had caused a big gash in the front. He knew that he just had to follow his map of the island made by the husband of his true love. He eventually reached the tree where The Sugar Bowl would rest safely and out of the reach of evil. Or would it?

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