three| coming clean

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coming clean-

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coming clean

quick ps uhhh don't really know how schools work in the UK buttt let's just pretend it's this way. Plus this is the only chapter that high school or whatever is mentioned but yeah. So sorry for the inaccuracies.


both will and george kept their eyes on will's mom, watching her from the last two steps. the older woman hummed and smiled at the boys as she kept quiet.

"of course, that's perfectly fine- yes, i will let him know." will's mom finally said. "thank you, maggie- okay bye." the house phone was placed back into its spot, will's mom smiling at the two eager kids waiting for her response.

"what did she say?" will asked.

"she said yes- as long as george prays before bed and behaves himself. they'll come by to drop off some things after dinner."

"yes!" they high five each other proudly.

that sleepover was the beginning of many more to come. throughout the summer the boys had a good amount of sleepovers. some involving stephan and some not. when school started up again, the boys became a bit more distant. nevertheless, they still somehow managed to maintain that friendship. stephan and will often went to pick up george, going off to the nearest park to play football. it stayed that way until george's promotion. will sat in the same spot where george had sat two years ago. by now, george was a lot taller- now reaching will's nose. his voice was beginning to change and so were his interests. interests that george had kept bottled up for a good year now. he couldn't quite remember when he first noticed this sudden change but it was there. making him feel guilty and dirty, like he was betraying his parents and his god. but as the year continued, george found that he couldn't pray it away or simply say it wasn't true- because it was true. it was important to him because it was the one thing his parents couldn't control.

it was the beginning of the school year and george was just starting secondary school. will was happy that he and george would finally see each other daily again. the whole week before the first day, george had been thinking of ways to bring up his sexuality to will. he had practiced it in many ways- writing a letter, making up a song, pointing out a fit guy, or simply just hinting it. even though all those options were very different, they required something important- courage. something that george didn't have. which lead back to the previous night. george had found that writing a letter seemed the easiest and that was what he went for.

and there he sat for nearly three hours writing and rewriting that stupid note.

hey will. too dumb-

i'm gay! i'm not that comfortable.

i didn't have the balls to say this to you up front to you so here, guys are fitter than girls to me. ew, no.

i'm not straight and as my best friend you deserved to know. not as tragic but still tragic.

and each piece of paper fell into his trash bin. he hated them all. so, he told himself that he wouldn't tell will until he could find the perfect way to tell him. it didn't hurt to wait a little longer, and he knew will would be okay with it- or so he hoped. truth be told, it wasn't will who george worried about, it was his extremely religious parents. he knew they wouldn't be okay with it and if they ever found out- they'd go mad. especially his mother, who already disapproved of most things george did. growing his hair out was one of them but he liked it and something inside him couldn't let her bother him.


"bloody 'ell. if i have to play stupid icebreaker games one more time, i swear i'll lose me shit, man." will nagged as he, stephan, and george walked to his car. will's parents had gotten him a car last year. they promised to pay for it until he found a job, which he was trying to do. he had already applied in four local restaurants, yet none of them got back to him.

"you're telling me! y'know how many lads came up to me asking me if i was gay!? jesus christ, you wear a pink bracelet once and suddenly you like cock!"

george knew stephan didn't mean it in a homophobic way, but he still felt unease. maybe he was still a bit triggered by the usage of the word "gay". "how was your first day?" will now focused his attention on george.

"it was pretty okay, wasn't too shit."

"lucky bastard, ours was shite." stephan grumbled, his hands flying all over the place. the ride to george's was a lot less chaotic, stephan only throwing his hands around when someone cut them off. they were suppose to hang out today but stephan had a dentist appointment and he couldn't ditch that. it didn't matter much though, they had hung out yesterday. plus, george could use some time alone. he wanted to be alone with his new identity for a while, he wanted to get used to it.

"see ye later, you nonce."

george smiled, kicking will's seat before getting out the old car. "bye."

that smile could only last so long, though. he wish that he would've been smart sooner, he wish he could've sensed it. he couldn't sense it and for some reason, he hadn't been safe about the letters. as soon as he stepped into the household, he noticed a mess of scattered trash and notebook paper. it trailed from his room and into the kitchen. he almost wandered how it made it so far.

"george come in here now." it came together like blood to a freshly made wound.

the letters.

"george!" he couldn't move and he could only imagine how pale he had gone. "come here now!" yet, his body didn't allow him to. that only angered his mother even more, 'cause now she had to go to him. "what is this, george!? what is this!" she was shoving the paper in his face, rubbing it in as a way to mock him for being careless.


"you're a homosexual, george!"

"y-yes but-"

her face twisted into one of disgust, leaving george on the edge. her eyes had gone wild and her face was bloody red. "you disgusting child!"

"no, mum, please just listen-"

"shut up!" george felt a strong lump rise in his throat, claiming it's release when george's mom threw the paper in his face. "just you wait when your father finds out about this!"

"n-no! mum, i'm still your son! i'm- i'm still your son." he weeped viciously.

"go to your room, now."



george looked at her, pleading with his eyes. but he found nothing, pure disgust on her face. like george was a mutt that had wandered in and she couldn't bare to look at him. the hatred written in her eyes as she shook her head. when he finally reacted, he ran to his room, embarrassed and scared of what would happen next. when he finally managed to catch his breath, he felt everything fall onto him again.

this needed to me a terrible nightmare.

he needed it so desperately to be.


so sorry if it feels awkward. i swear it'll get much better.

again sorry for any spelling errors

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