eighteen| roses

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friday morning, at exactly 8 am, will lenney turned 23. so when will officially turned 23, a loud knock exploded through the house hold. his mother, who had been pouring herself a cup of coffee, immediately looked at her half asleep son- who had been fully waken up by the loud banging. they both assumed the worst, sure they were about to be robbed.

"go on."


his mother motioned the door again. "fine, get me killed, won't you?" grumbled the male as he went for the door.

through the little window on top of his door, he could see the outline of what seemed to be a man. he peeked through the little hole, a man in a nice white suit standing outside. in his hands was a heart shaped box, will quickly pulled away and opened the door. he gasped quietly as he looked down at the heart shaped box of roses. also in the man's hands were a bouquet of daisies and a smaller black box.

"william lenney?"

"that's me."

"a gift from ms. figueroa." the delivery man handed the box of roses and the second box to will. a velvet envelope sat on top of the dark red roses. "these are for your mother, mrs. lenney." will's mom stepped in, taking the daisies from the man. at the stems was a longer box tied around them.

"th-thank you." the man only bowed before retreating back to his car. will's mom took in a whiff of the flowers, smiling as she released a soft hum.

"from your friend sophie, huh?"

will followed his mother into the kitchen. at the table he set the boxes down, picking up the envelope. he carefully opened it, sophie's perfume already inside his nose as he took out the folded piece of paper. in cursive letters, sophie's words stringed together.

dear osito, happy birthday! because you are a rose in a city full of weeds, i have decided to send you a whole box of them. can't wait to see you. remember to always gift your mother for she has given you life. love you lots dear xx - sophia k. figueroa

regardless of how lovely the letter was, will was a bit bothered. he knew the box itself must've cost her an eye, and he was sure whatever was inside the small black box was worth three times as much. he sighed, dropping the letter back on the roses. he took the smaller box, popping it open. he nearly fainted when he saw what was inside.

"oh- oh god." his mother said for them both. their mouths hanging as they turned to face each other.

"i- we can't take this." will said placing the watch down. "mum, those are real." he then followed up, referencing to the diamonds around his watch.

the black watch glistened as will turned to it again. he was sure that if he stared at it for too long, he'd go blind. will's mother had gotten a blushing, rose gold strand bracelet. before the elder women could say anything, will's house phone went off. it had to be sophie.

he dashed to the phone, breathless as he picked up. "hello."

"happy birthday." he was right.

"are you mental?" he instantly cried. "sophie, that watch could feed a village!"

"oh, you aren't going to be too happy about the rest of your gifts then." sighed the american girl. "but, oh, did your mom like her gift?"

"sophie, m'serious, you spent way too much."

"will, i didn't spend anything." she simply stated. "my soon to be husband did."


"oh, stop it! i wanted to get you something nice and i just knew that watch would look fantastic on you. it's not like i killed someone for you. plus, i wasn't going to use that money for anything important."

will still felt weird. maybe it was because he had never received something so expensive, besides his car. it felt weird when people just handed him things, especially things that could buy houses. "hello?"

"thank you."

"hey, no, you deserve it. it's your birthday." will could hear his friend's smile. "are you working today?"

"no, jess put me down for sunday instead f'today." will said. "why?"

"i want to take you and your mom out for breakfast." hummed sophie. "plus, i want to give you a proper hug."


"ah, ah, not taking no for an answer."

"fine, we'll get dressed."


sorry for any spelling errors

sorry this was short too. i felt bad for not uploading in a while but yeah :). i wanted to make it longer but i couldn't find a way to transition the scenes.

also im working a new one shot so hopefully ill have that out too :')

k bye loves u 💞

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