eight| oliver jacob andrews

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disclaimer: don't know George's last name so let's pretend it's Andrews.

oliver jacob andrews-

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oliver jacob andrews

"mum is upset 'cause you haven't been calling." was the first thing oliver said as he sat down. george looked up from his phone, the blonde boy in front of him held a straight face.

oliver, somehow, lost all the brown in his hair over the years. when george saw him again, that came to be a big surprise. he reminded george of joshy. he resembled him a lot.

oliver looked nothing like george. oli had sharp cheekbones and a nicely defined jaw. his nose was a bit more pointed than george and his eyes were green and lively. even their skin shades were different, oliver being a bit more tanned.

george was pale and with a soft face. drained eyes and messy hair that went everywhere.

"when isn't she upset."

"'ust call her, man." oliver mumbled.

"i broke up with beth." was george's response.

george could trick his friends, family, and himself- but he could not trick oliver into believing that he was straight. oliver refused to believe that his brother was somehow converted. oliver wasn't stupid, not like everyone else. so, when beth came into the lives of the andrews, oliver disapproved. he might've even hated her.


"go a 'ittle easy on me, mate."

"you didn't even like her." oliver spat.

"how's uni?" george wasn't up for a fight.

oliver was 18, freshly out of school. he was studying to be a doctor, his choice not his parents. his first choice had been psychology but something discouraged him. he wasn't too good with people anyway.

"okay, i suppose." he shrugged. "it's not 'errible."

"well," george smiled. "that's good, innit."

oliver placed his head on his hand, staring at george. he was wearing will's black hoodie, and oliver knew it. "have you called him?"

george looked away from his menu. "who?"

"will lenney."

george's eyes fell on his menu again. "i don't have 'is number. and i don't care what he's up to." he was lying.

oliver said nothing. he didn't get why george wouldn't just call. he had to have his number. what was holding him back?

"are you boys ready to order?"



george felt bothered the rest of the day.

meeting with oliver always went either of two ways, plain and simple or uneasy and complicated. oliver was way too blunt. george didn't like that about him. he wished oli could just mind his business like everyone else. that was asking too much, though.

he let out a groan when the home phone rang. he knew it was his mom, he really didn't want to answer.

"'ello?" george picked up, bracing himself for anything.

"owen? why don't you ever answer me? your roommate always picks up and it's very annoying."

"well, we do live in the same flat, mum."

his mother scoffed. "where is he anyway?"

sadly not here to curve you. "he's out on a date." george made up. he actually didn't know where alex was. probably with james.

"is it true you and beth broke up?"

that was what george didn't want to talk about. especially with his mother. "yes."


"'cause i didn't want to be with her anymore."

"is this about that whole g-"

"no." george interrupted. he really didn't want to talk about that either. "i'm not gay. i was c-cured." it felt like knives crawled up his throat.

"it best not be." was all his mother said. "when are you coming for dinner?"

george looked at the door. he wanted alex to walk through it. he really needed alex, his only good distraction. "i dunno, mum."

"that's not a good answer, owen."

"i am busy with uni, i don't 'ave much time to go out."

"we're your parents, george."

really wish you weren't. "i know."

his mother sighed, clearly upset with george's dry responses. "you're-"

"i have to go, alex is here." george exclaimed in panic.

"fine, goodbye." george slammed the phone down onto its spot. letting out a throaty breath. he couldn't hate his parents, but he could hate their presence- of any kind.

"i'm going to go insane." george told himself. he really wished alex would come home.


don't mean to b annoying
but when are you coming home

soon, just came to pick james up.
why are u okay???

i just talked to my mom
just don't want to be alone is all

want some ice cream?

what are we 12???

guess that's a no 🤷‍♂️

didn't say that did i?
strawberry plzz

m8 strawberry is fucking grim 🤢

fuck off
read 4:57pm


sorry for any spelling errors.

beep bop. I'll probably update this twice. 😂

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