five| when the sun rises

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when the sun rises-

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when the sun rises

the sun was beginning to blend into the horizon when dark colors began to dance across the starless night. the moon had been out all day and it was will's witness. it was 9 by now and will knew he would have to be home soon. as far as his mother knew, he was at stephan's working on a history project- not outside george's house. will was slowly starting to give up, not getting anything since his encounter with half the household. oliver knew where george was, and will knew that he could get oliver to tell him. if only he could talk to oliver. at some point, will wanted to simply knock again but he didn't know how george's mom would react to that. and then the idea of her already knowing placed itself in will's worried head.

just as will stuck his key in, he saw the door open quickly. he lowered himself down and titled his head so he could see at a better angle. it was oliver- and a bag of trash. the middle school boy walked down to the curb and opened up the trash can, putting the bag down while he did so. will wanted to get his attention without causing so much of it. he was beginning to panic when oliver successful got the bag in and closed it. he did what he thought was quickest- honking loudly at the small boy. and that sure got the attention will wanted.

oliver seemed unbothered when he turned to face will's obvious car. truth was, oliver knew will was waiting there. as soon as he opened his door to throw out the trash, he saw will.

without a blink, oliver touched his ear. still staring at will. he mouthed the words "phone" and "leave." but will only understand call because of oliver's hand signal. will looked around for his phone, feeling around the seat until the cold screen met his fingers. once he turned his head up again, oliver was gone. will stared at the black screen for a good minute or two before it rang. george's house phone was calling.


"how long have you been out there?"

"where is george?"

"will, we don't have much time- how long?"

will sighed in frustration. "the whole bloody day, mate!"

"go home, mum and dad are 'eally mad. you'll see him at midnight, bye."

"wait-" but the line was dead and will was just more confused.


"how is the project going?"

will pushed around the spaghetti, feeling like absolute shit. "'lright, i guess."

"what is it on."

will shrugged, not wanting to speak at all. "some wanky dudes that did wanky shite thousands of years ago."

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