Chapter 2

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Tonight we're having a camp fire and a few ice breakers. I learned that I am one of 5 newcomers and that many of these people already know each other. Another reason for me to feel out.

"You just need to relax. Everyone here is extremely nice, except Mia and Shyla of course. I don't know why they are like that," Amy said.

"I'll just stay out of her way. I don't really like having enemies or anyone disliking me. I'm not about that life," I said.

"Then what life are you about," a deep voice behind me said and I almost jumped in the air.

"Jamie, you idiot!" I heard Amy address the eavesdropper. "You scared her."

"I'm sorry about that," the cutest guy I've ever seen said with the most adorable smile planted on his face.

"No worries," I said smiling shyly.

"I'm Jamie, by the way. Amy's best friend. I hope you haven't stolen my spot," he says draping his arm over her shoulder smiling at me.

"He's also my annoying cousin, who thinks he has to follow me everywhere and hold my hand the whole time," she says pushing his arm off my shoulder. "Since our parents discovered this place they decided to send us here together. Jamie, this is Caley by the way." she says directing the last part at him.

"Let's go and get ourselves the best seats at the back where hopefully we won't get spotted during activities," Jamie says as he pulls us along with him. I don't mean to sound like a soppy teen, which I probably am, but I'm getting this weird feeling that makes me not want to release his hand. I think he noticed, because he let me hold onto it for a little while after we were seated, which was also very weird.

We did a bunch of activities and not once during those activities did Jamie or Amy (whose names rhyme, funny enough) leave my side. At the end of our session we were taught the camp song that everyone, except me of course, knew by heart. So I was forced to just stand there and move my lips awkwardly.

When we were finally done we headed off to our cabins. It's already past midnight and I can't seem to fall asleep, so I get up and decide to go outside. Earlier I saw this huge pond and it looked quite peaceful so maybe it will help.

"You're not supposed to be out here this late, especially not on my special place," a guy said behind me. I quickly turned around to see Logan, a guy I met earlier that Mia kept hanging onto.

"Sorry, I was just about to head back to my cabin anyway," I say trying to get up, but he just gently grabbed my hand and told me to stay put.

"No need. You can stay. As long as you don't disturb my peace. I'm Logan by the way," he says.

"I know. I mean, I heard someone call you earlier. Don't think I'm weird," I say with a nervous giggle causing him to chuckle.

"Dont worry, Kylie, I think," he says causing me to raise my eyebrow, wondering how he even knew my name. Not that it is Kylie, but it sounds similar. "Don't look at me like that. I also might have heard your name somewhere when you and Jamie were cuddling next to the fire earlier."

The moment he was referring to was after the whole event when Amy went to talk to someone and I told Jamie I needed a jacket, so he put his hand around me shoulders and we moved to stand closer to the fire.

"It's actually Caley. And we weren't cuddling. I barely know him. We only met today. He was merely trying to keep me warm," I said in defense.

"I hear you, 'Caley'," he says putting extra emphasis on my name. "I also remember times where I had to keep a girl warm. But it definitely wasn't in public or with any clothes on," he says with a smug look on his face.

"Don't you think that's too much information to tell a stranger?" I say shuddering.

"Well I know your name now, so I don't think we're strangers anymore. I don't want you to have a bad first impression of me so I guess that really was too much information. Anyway, how did you find out about the camp and why did you suddenly decide to join this year?" he asks with sudden curiosity.

"My parents and I usually go away together each summer vacation, but this year they had other business to attend to and they didn't want me to stay at home alone. So here I am. One of my mom's colleagues told her about this camp. Apparently her son also used to come here," I say.

"Seeing that you always go away with your parents and the only reason you're here now is because they're busy, does that mean you're not coming back next year?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"I haven't really thought that far. I'm not used to this. I've never went camping and I've never been away from my parents for too long, so this might be my last camp. Unless something magical happens that makes me want to come back each year," I say playing with a loose strand of my hair.

"How about I show you all the reasons you should stay and then maybe you'll beg your parents to send you back here next year," he says with this huge grin plastered on his face as if I'm his new project.

"As scared as I am by the look on your face, I can't help but to agree," I say laughing at how excited he looks.

We stayed there for about an hour just talking and getting to know each other. He's a really funny guy and to say I don't like -like him after this conversation would be a lie. I've never really dated or had any close guy friends. Whatever I'm feeling after I've met him is new to me and I kind of like it.

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