Chapter 7

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We aren't doing much today, so I have a summer dress and flip flops on. It's really nice outside today. It's almost 11am and Jamie and I are on our way to the lake. Earlier I almost fell, so he insisted on holding my hand. When we finally got at the lake Jamie was such a gentleman. He lay down the blanket for me, and did all these nice gestures.

He says he bought all these things at the tuck shop here at camp so we didn't really have much. 2 juices, chips, crackers biscuits, a few muffins and some sandwiches. He also got us one of those beach umbrellas. He says he got it from one of the storage rooms.

"This is so nice and peaceful. One would have thought that it would be full here today seeing that it is such a nice day outside," I tell him noticing that there are only a few people at the lake. Us, another couple and 4 girls.

"Most people are at the swimming pool. Not many campers come out here," he tells me.

"That's a shame. At least we can enjoy this view in peace," I tell him.

"Yes, I can enjoy this view in peace," he says and when I look over at him I see him looking at me. I quickly look away and put a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"This is really nice. Maybe I should eat tuck shop food more often. I didn't even know they had a shop here," I tell him while devouring the muffins.

"My aunt is actually one of the chefs here. She always make sure Amy and I get special treats. Our parents discovered this camping site through her. As soon as we were old enough they decided to send us here during each summer vacation. Unlike you we don't really travel much, so this does us good," Jamie tells me.

"Must be nice. I wish we discovered this place sooner. It would have spared me the horror of some places we visited before," I tell him and then continue when he urges me to.

We sat there for an hour just talking and enjoying our surroundings.

"I like spending time with you. It's so refreshing," I tell Jamie.

"I agree. We should do this more often," he says. "You're really pretty."

"Thanks," I say blushing. As I look down a few of my hair strands fall over my face. He then moves closer to me, until I can feel his breath on my skin, and moves them out of my face. Then something happens so fast I could barely comprehend it at first. His lips are on mine. At first I didn't move my lips, but then it slowly starts going in sync with his.

"So this is what you are doing while I'm sitting and waiting for you like a fool!" I hear Logan's voice behind me. I quickly jump up almost falling in the process.

"This is not what it looks like," I say quickly not really knowing what to do. I feel like explaining this to him, and I don't even know why.

"Then what is it? We kissed. Isn't that what happened?" Jamie asks.

"Well we did, but it happened so fast I barely even had any time to think," I say.

"So if you had time to think, it wouldn't have happened?" Jamie asks sounding upset.

"No that's not what I meant," I say and honestly I don't even know what I meant.

"Then what did you mean? Because this clearly looks more than an unplanned kiss. So you guys were just casually having a romantic feast?" Logan asks.

"Everything is clearly a misunderstanding. I didn't even know you were waiting for me. You didn't even tell me anything except that we were rehearsing today," I say.

"I told Jamie to tell you that I wanted you to meet me at 11am where we sang last time," Logan says.

"Jamie, why didn't you tell me?" I ask him sounding a bit more crushed than I intended.

"I forgot. I just didn't think it was that important. I really didn't think about it and you knew we were supposed to see each other today. We planned this before your rehearsal," Jamie tries defending himself.

"I told you this before dinner because I knew you'd see her then and I told you there was no other way to tell her," Logan says sounding frustrated.

"You told me to see you at 11am today knowing that's the time I had to see Logan. You told me this during dinner, shortly after you spoke to Logan. You deliberately tried to sabotage this. We could have still had this picnic and got to know each other afterwards, but I don't think I want to do that anymore. This really wasn't nice of you, Jamie. I didn't expect this from you. I'm really sorry Logan. I didn't know, he didn't tell me anything. Maybe we can do this some other time, I'm suddenly not in the mood for anything anymore," I say walking away from them and thankfully nobody stopped me.


Narrative POV

"See what you did now! You ruined my chances with Caley," Jamie says as he shoved Logan.

"What I did? You brought this upon yourself! I asked you to tell her because I thought you still had some integrity, but clearly you haven't gotten over your little grudge," Logan says shoving Jamie back.

"As usual you know I like someone, but you decide to make a move before I can even do anything," Jamie says angrily.

"I didn't know you like her and frankly I don't care. This isn't about you. I really like her, for real. She's more than just some pawn you can play in your game of vengeance. I won't let you use her for your own personal gain," Logan says back with the same level if anger.

"This isn't about you either. I really like her too and I'll be damned if I just hand her over to you on a sliver platter, the way you've received everything in your life so far," Jamie tells Logan.

"How did we even get here? We actually used to be friends just for you to become a jerk," Logan says.

"You blaming this on me? What happened isn't my fault. You were always the jerk, not me. This is all your fault," Jamie says angrily and storms off.

"I said I'm sorry you moron. Just let it go," Logan says and kicks over the umbrella Jamie left behind when he gathered everything else.

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