Chapter 9

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Logan and I saw each other again at lunch and decided to go to the music room together directly thereafter to prevent any more mishaps.

"So I found a song. I don't know if you'd like it," I say. "I'll just set up the guitar and then we can start."

"I'm sorry about earlier. Maybe I shouldn't have overreacted like that," Logan says.

"Let's just forget about it. We should start working on the song before we lose more time," I tell him.

"I can't just work on the song knowing you are mad at me. I guess I couldn't help it. To be honest I was jealous. Not just because you kissed Jamie, but because it looked like you enjoyed it and I thought you might even like him. I was probably just being silly to think that," Logan says. "You don't really like him, do you?"

"I don't know. You are both great guys and I don't want to complicate anything," I say avoiding eye contact with him.

"You really shouldn't have to choose. I guess that would be unfair. Just know that I won't hurt you," Logan says.

"What about you and Mia? I know you guys are dating and I don't want to overstep any boundaries. Shouldn't you be singing with her?" I ask him.

"There's nothing going on between us. She thinks there is and that we could rekindle this flame every summer, but there's really nothing. She likes having the spotlight to herself every year anyway, so I don't want to intrude," he tells me and I suddenly feel at ease.


Narrative POV

After their first rehearsal for the talent show, Caley and Logan part ways, but not before Logan gives Caley a huge hug and tells her he's looking forward to their next rehearsal.

As Logan turns the corner he is startled when he is stopped by an angry Mia.

"Oh hello Mia. I didn't see you there," Logan says awkwardly.

"Why have you been avoiding me? Is it because of her? What have the two of you been doing?" Mia whines.

"I'm sure you know we'll be performing together at the talent show, so we were just rehearsing Mia. Stop assuming I'm seeing every girl you see me with. I don't understand your obsession with me and other girls anyway," Logan says sounding a bit disinterested.

"So it has absolutely nothing to do with me? Weren't you the one that said you like me and that you wouldn't replace me with anyone ever?" Mia asks.

"That was last year. A lot has happened since then. We only see each other once a year anyway, so I didn't really expect that you'd believe all of that," Logan says calmly while Mia is starting to boil with anger.

"Really now? So what happened between us was nothing and you just so happened to move on?" Mia asks angrily stomping her foot.

"Sometimes it's best to move on. There are plenty of hot guys on camp. Maybe you can try your luck with one of them," Logan shrugs.

"So now I'm some thing that can just go around? I'm meaningless to you after you got what you wanted? You broke my virginity last summer and then you seduced me again on the first night of camp before you decided to lure Caley and have a romantic night with her at the lake after you supposedly told me you were too tired to spend some more time with me. So I was just a fun summer fling to you?" Mia asks extremely pissed.

"I'm sorry for what happened. Maybe you read into it too much. I never said we're dating. You just assumed. Besides, we only see each other at summer camp, what more could we expect from each other than to just be a summer fling?" Logan says starting to get annoyed.

"I can't believe I actually liked you, Logan," Mia says with tear filled eyes regretting how she lost her virginity to a guy like this. "I wonder what Caley will do if she finds out what a jerk you are."

"You leave Caley out of this. This is between us. It's not my fault you were naive enough to believe more could come out of this. And don't you dare tell Caley," Logan says starting to sound pissed.

"Oh, don't worry. She'll find out the hard way anyway and unlike me she at least has Jamie to run back to and then I wonder how you'll feel," Mia says wiping her tears and walking away, finally realizing that Caley wasn't the enemy, but Logan was.

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