Chapter 19

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After my talk with Amy I decided to rush back to our cabin, just so I could make myself look presentable. I decided to leave my hair down, because one time he told me he likes it like that.

When I was finally done I rushed to his cabin, but he wasn't there. I asked one of the guys if he has seen him, but this guy told me that he just left with all of his things and wouldn't tell any of them where he was headed. I decided to go to the music room, luckily on my way there I saw him carrying a huge traveling bag and a backpack. It looks as if he was heading for the main entrance/exit.

"Logan, wait!" I jog to him quickly. "Where are you going?"

"Home, I'm sorry that I couldn't say goodbye. I thought you might not want to see me again," he says sounding hasty.

"But I do. You can't just leave. I need you here," I tell him.

"I gave you a choice and you chose to let me go. So can you please get out of my way so I can leave?" he says sounding stone cold, yet his eyes are saying something different.

"You don't really want to go, do you? You said this was my choice, so I'm begging you to stay now. Please don't leave me here alone," I say having tears in my eyes at this point.

"Logan, we need to go. Our flight leaves in 2 hours," I hear a beautiful tall brunette with a foreign accent shout from the gate. She looks like a model, she doesn't look a day over 30. She looks like that one woman who is always on the cover of the business magazine my mother always reads.

"Can't you see that I'm on my way, Mom? These bags are heavy, isn't your driver going to help me?" Logan says rolling his eyes.

"Logan, please don't leave. I love you," I beg him again clutching onto his arm.

"I'm sorry, but it's too late for that now. You should have said that when I gave you the chance to. Don't worry about bumping into me again here next year, if you decide to come again. I won't be here. I might just ask my mom to send me to boot camp. Way less drama. Bye pretty girl," he says kissing me on my forehead and then saluting me before his mother shouts at him again and he hurries into the car.

I stand there for a while with a frown on my face just staring at where he was just a few minutes ago and how he just disappeared into that car like he was never there. Thinking of how he left with my heart and how it was supposedly my fault that he left. I knew I had to go with my heart earlier, but my stupid head got in the way. Now because of me he's never coming back, or maybe he just said that so I could come back and we could see each other again. Maybe it was just reverse psychology. He can't really be gone forever, can he?

I texted Amy to ask where she was and she told me she was outside the gaming room with the others. I walked there feeling so numb, when I got there all eyes were on me yet again.

"And, what happened? I thought you'd be with Logan for a few more minutes seeing that you went to confess your love," Amy says looking confused. "Why do you look so down and out? Did he do something wrong? If he did, I'm going over there myself and strangling him with my bare hands," she says getting ready to go to him, before I pull her back down.

"He left," I say, the words sounding so surreal to me.

"What do you mean he left?" Jamie asks and everyone at the table is staring at me, most of them looking confused.

"He left camp. He's mom came to pick him up and they drove off. He said he's never coming back again," I say with all the courage I could muster, before lay with my head on the table with my eyes shut not wanting to believe that he was gone.

"So technically you drove Logan away?" Lily, one of Amy's friends says.

"She didn't drive him away. He chose to go away on his own," Amy says loudly.

"Well if he asked his rich mommy that he never mentions to come all the way over here just to get him, then surely it was because of something serious and we all know what happened between you two, so you're the one that drove him away," Lily says again aimed at me.

"I told him to stay!" I shout, lifting my head up to look at her.

"Only after you broke him and told him to leave. He was a part of this camp way longer than you were, so why didn't you leave instead?" Lily says yet again.

"It's not like that, you don't understand," I say trying to defend myself, even though a part of me knows that she's right.

"No, you don't understand that you've destroyed Logan and ruined a good part of his childhood memory. Now he doesn't see this place the same and he doesn't want to come back here because of you," Lily says angrily.

"That's enough, Lily. Can't you see that she's hurting?" Amy says.

"Besides, Logan isn't a little child anymore. He's a 16 year old douchebag who can make his own  decisions. He chose to leave. To me it looks as if he was planning on leaving anyway. Before he even spoke to Caley and asked her to make a decision, even though he already started packing his bags last night and how convenient is it that his mother who lives across the country just arrived a few hours after he spoke to Caley. So even if she told him to stay, he was planning on leaving anyway. Good riddens. Let's not ever talk about him again. He's gone and not coming back. Deal with it," Jamie says and then gets up and storms off.

"Jamie's right. It actually makes sense, but I won't be bothered about it for any longer. Soon we'll all get back to our usual lives and summer camp will just be a distant memory until next summer. We shouldn't let the things that happen here get us down. Some day you'll meet another Logan, and maybe even a better Logan, one who won't hurt you and run after any other Janet. You'll understand why this had to happen and you'll forget about it. Logan was just one of those guys sent on your path to make you learn from your mistakes. Now let's enjoy these last two days, before camp is really over and we only see each other next year," Amy says pulling me up and dragging me to wherever she wants to go.

Maybe she's right, but do I really want to forget Logan? I know a lot of drama came with him, but he's the first guy to ever mean so much to me and to make such a huge impact on me.

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