Chapter 20

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It's that time. The night of the talent show. My heart is beating so fast, I think I'm going to go into cardiac arrest before I go on stage. Weird enough, I'm last. I was really surprised by Mia and Jamie's performance. They were really good and they didn't opt for the usual slow song, their song was upbeat, but still showed how talented they are.

After a few more acts it was my turn. I walked out on stage strangely calmer than I was backstage. Instead of having a guitar with me, this time I played the piano. I'm about to perform "All I ask" by Adele. It's one of my favourite songs from the album. I really hope I sound good, because we all know Adele is amazing.

Starting of the song I was okay, until the second verse. It hit too close to home, I almost choked on my tears, but I pulled through when I sang it.

"I don't need your honesty

It's already in your eyes

And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me

No one knows me like you do

And since you're the only one that matters

Tell me who do I run to?

Look, don't get me wrong

I know there is no tomorrow

All I ask is

If this is my last night with you

Hold me like I'm more than just a friend

Give me a memory I can use

Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do

It matters how this ends

'Cause what if I never love again?

Let this be our lesson in love

Let this be the way we remember us

I don't wanna be cruel or vicious

And I ain't asking for forgiveness... "

That whole part just broke me, but weird enough it made my vocals sound stronger. I did the last chorus and after that, I walked off stage as quickly as I could and broke down backstage, blocking out the applause and everyone else around me. I really need Logan now, I can't help but to think that I might be the reason that he left. I then felt strong, comforting arms and a familiar scent surrounding me. I didn't want him to ever let me go.

"Shhh, it's okay my love. It will get better," Jamie says, allowing me to break down in his arms.

"He didn't have to go," I say through my sobs.

Luckily during my break down we had a short interval. When I finally got my composure, all the contestants had to go on stage so the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place contestants were announced.

"In 3rd place we have Enrico De la Sal," then he went and collected his prize.

"Our 2nd place winner, who I personally loved, Caley Storm," I couldn't believe I actually won 2nd place. The crowd went wild when I claimed my prize.

"The final prize for 1st place goes to the amazing duo, Jamie Crane and Mia Langer," this isn't even a shock. I was grinning wider than the actual winners. They truly deserved it they were amazing. Then Mia did something that made everyone's eyes pop out. She kissed Jamie in front of everyone which made the crowd roar.

The night was amazing. Early the next day we all had to get up and ready to leave.

Camp was finally over. It was an experience of a lifetime. I really wish we didn't have to go. There were tears everywhere. No one wanted to leave and I didn't want to leave the only memory of Logan that I had left. Amy couldn't even utter a word. She was crying when she came to hug me and weird enough, so was Mia. Mia and Jamie couldn't even let go of each other.

"You know all our first names and surnames now, so I'm hoping you're going to add or at least stalk us on social media. Please don't be a stranger, I want to see you here next year," Jamie says hugging me for one last time.

"I've already started stalking you last night. I'll try my best to be back, but I'm not promising anything. I'm going to miss you Jamie. Thanks for everything," I say hugging him one last time.

"You better be back or else I'll personally look you up and drag you here by your hair," he says and we talk a bit longer until we have to leave.

"He seems like a lovely guy. I'm glad you made friends here," my mom says.

"So am I. I've met some of the most amazing people here," I told my mom.

"So I'm assuming you want to come back?" she asks.

"I don't know, but let's see what this year has in store for us before I make any hasty decisions," I tell her.

And just like that summer camp was over and I had to say goodbye to Camp Bliss, which truly lived up to its name. I don't know if I'll ever be back, but what I know is that this place has really earned it's place in my heart. Nothing can replace it. Nothing can replace Logan either. Nor can it replace any of the other wonderful people I met here. This was truly a summer to remember.

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