Chapter 4

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The day has been fun so far. We've been dancing, singing and doing a lot of fun things. We've even been trained the best vocal exercises that I never even thought would work. We also had to run around and do some group activities.

It's been an hour since lunch. Amy and Jamie decided to take a swim, but I declined. Instead I decided to explore the camping site seeing that I haven't really seen much of. Upon my own little tour I discovered this room that I wasn't shown before. As much as I hate intruding, my gut told me to go inside and so I did. It was the most beautiful sight. There were instruments everywhere and a beautiful white fender stratocaster guitar. I couldn't believe my eyes. I wanted to touch it so badly and strum those beautiful strings.

I leaped towards it and took it from it's place gently. I took a seat on the ground and started humming while I played one of my favorite songs. Dive, by Ed Sheeran. I was so into it I started singing along to the tune instead of humming. Until I heard one of the most gentle voices ever join me

"I could fall, or I could fly

Here in your aeroplane

And I could live, I could die

Hanging on the words you say

And I've been known to give my all

Sitting back, looking at every messy that I made

So don't call me baby

Unless you mean it

Don't tell me you need me

If you don't believe it

Let me know the truth

Before I dive right into you

Before I dive right into you

Before I dive right into you"

I finally opened my eyes after the song. It was Logan. He was the one I just had the duet with.

I quickly got up and gently put the guitar on it's place, but not before I strummed one of the beautiful strings for the last time.

"Why are you in such a hurry now?" He asks me.

"I need to leave. I probably shouldn't be here. My friends are waiting for me anyway," I say as I'm about to leave, but he stops me.

"You don't have to go. Am I also not your friend? Besides, Amy is with Enrico and Lacey and Jamie are swimming," he says.

"I said I'll join them," I say.

"Why are you avoiding me? Is it because of Mia? I saw you guys talking this morning and none of you looked happy," he says sounding concerned.

"It's nothing I just don't feel like talking about it. So can I leave now?" I ask trying to get away from him.

"No, I just want to talk to you. Please," he says so polite I can't even say no.

"Fine. But I won't be long," I say.

"You really have a beautiful voice and you're a really good musician. I'd love to collaborate with you," he says.

"You're talking like some big artist now," I say laughing.

"Maybe one day I will be," he says smug. "So you know about the talent show on the last day?"

"Yes, we were told about it yesterday, why?" I ask.

"How about we do a duet? You heard how good we sound together," he says.

"I wasn't planning on entering," I tell him.

"Why not? You're so talented. Why would you want to hide it?" he asks.

"I didn't really come here for that. I came for the music and to learn more. That's it. I don't want to involve myself in any extra activities. Maybe it would be fun for you, but not for me. I'm not a performer," I say looking down.

"That's what you think. You were amazing just now. Just give think about it and let me know what you have decided," he says before finally letting me go.

I don't even think I'll consider it. It's really not my thing. Music is something I keep to myself. It's the one thing I can keep to myself and not risk anyone else intruding and exploiting.

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