Chapter 15

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Logan's POV

I've never felt this way about any other girl. Caley is just amazing, but I also know I can't afford to have feelings. Especially not at camp. I don't even know if I'll ever see her again. She might not even return next year. What if I fall for her so hard and she does come back next year, but she's met someone else? I can't play with my heart like that. Hence I decided to get a distraction. There's this girl Janet. She's always all over the place. I've heard that she's been sleeping with some of the guys here ever since we started coming to camp. I heard she gives good BJ's too. I had to bring condoms though, I can't risk getting any infections from this chick. I've been waiting for her at the Rock next to ribbon tree for about 10 minutes now. I'm a bit early, but I just want to get this over with. I don't really want to do it, but I feel like I have to just to get some of my pride back.

"I'm sorry I made you wait baby," Janet says before pulling me closer to her and kissing me. I didn't waste any time so I kissed her back, but it felt weird. She's not Mia and she's definitely not Caley. Mia's kisses were always so playful and fun I enjoyed it and always wanted more, whereas Caley's kisses were full of passion like I needed to unleash something and like I didn't want to stop or ever let her go. I'll admit I felt something for Mia, but I don't think it was as serious as I thought. What i feel for Caley doesn't even compare to that. And why am I making all of these comparisons? I mean I'm getting free ass, so I shouldn't be focused on that.

Seeing that I didn't feel anything when kissing her and put her down on the ground a bit roughly and started kissing her neck while rubbing her clit before actually starting to finger her. After a while her moans started to grow louder and I got hard so I put myself inside her. She's so open and loose I had to put my cock in sideways just so she could feel it, and believe me I'm huge. Ask Mia. She went on about it for days. We switched positions a few times and she even let me put it in the back, but it didn't feel right. Throughout this whole ordeal it felt weird like something was watching me. It was probably some dumb animals. We're surrounded by trees anyway.

I finally came, but I don't think Janet needs rest. She's used to it and I'll admit I was a bit rough, by throwing her around and pushing in harder when she told me to go slow, but I needed to unleash my anger. Anger at the world and myself. When I finally got up and she wanted to get up I pushed her back down and pulled her head to my cock. She smiled knowing what time it was. She came closer and bobbed her head up and down. It felt relaxing and the chills that went up my back felt good. It felt like I was about to cum in her mouth any second now. I know it sounds disrespectful, but she said she likes it.

Before I could cum, I heard something. I saw a figure retrieving and then I saw the person fall. And then she got up quickly and ran. I'd recognize that curly hair anywhere. "Caley, wait!" I shout.

I pulled my pants up and apologized to Janet. Before I ran like crazy to find her. I need to find her. I can't believe she saw this. She must have seen it. How long was she there?

After searching for her everywhere and even banging on her cabin door just for her cabin mates to finally tell me that she wasn't there. I gave up and sat with my head in my hands outside her cabin.

"Tsk tsk tsk. I guess she saw you," I hear Mia say.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her angrily.

"Be careful where you discuss your plans or else someone might overhear you," she says smirking.

"You heard us talk and told her, didn't you?" I chuckle without any humor.

"I wish I heard you, but yes I was the one who told her. I told her she was playing with fire, but she didn't listen so she had to learn," she says smirking.

"Why would you do that? What did she ever do to you?" I ask her.

"You hurt me! The only way I knew I'd get you back is to turn her against you. You think I didn't see how you looked at her the first day you saw her?" she says chuckling.

"She was new and I was curious. I was with you the first day I saw her. I didn't even notice her," I say.

"I know your curious look. I also know your awe struck look. Funny how you didn't notice her, but I kept catching you stare at her and I had to beg you for attention that night. It didn't even start the night it started when she entered the gate and you ran to her offering your help, but she declined. You think I didn't see that? You've been in love with her since the beginning! And I just had to stand there on the sidelines and watch you fall for her harder each day," she says and by now there are tears in her eyes. "I loved you Logan. You knew I did. I even told you, but you never said it back. I rejected countless guys at school and camp each year thinking you felt the same. Cute guys, might I add."

"I'm really sorry, Mia. You knew I was never into anything serious. I loved you too. Strange to actually admit that now, but you'll always have a special place in my heart. Just not the place you hoped for. You talk about how i look at Caley, have you ever seen how Jamie looks at you? You might just call him your friend, but the guy clearly wants more. You've always been so obsessed with me that you never took the time to actually hear how he feels or allow him to show his feelings to you. You're a hypocrite, because whatever ever you think I've been doing to you since Caley has arrived is no different to what you've been doing to Jamie for years. The guy even came up to me and confessed his feelings for you and told me to back off, but I was a jerk and decided to make the first move because I thought I needed you more, but clearly he did. So please go fix your own mess before you try meddling in mine. You're no better, Mia," I say before getting up and leaving.

After I left I went to Janet to just apologize. I told her what happened and weird enough she understood and said it was all about the sex anyway. We spoke for a bit and she actually gave me good advice and told me that I need to speak to Caley. I decided to go back to the rock to get the blanket I left there. On my way back I saw Caley, yet again. And this time she wasn't alone. She was with Jamie. And the sight before me was nauseating and made me tremble with anger. They were kissing. Caley was kissing Jamie and I couldn't do anything about it. For the rest of the night I sat outside on that blanket and stared at the blank space ahead of me until I eventually passed out. I guess I brought this upon myself, but why is Jamie always there to comfort my girls? He's like the perfect guy and I'm just this piece of shit who can't do anything right.


Caley's POV

After what happened I ran until I couldn't anymore. Jamie found me. He took me to this backroom where he calmed me down. I told him what happened and he said it wasn't the first time Logan did this. Apparently he did it to Mia too so now I get why she is the way she is. After a while when I eventually calmed down we left the place and then we took a walk back to the cabin.

"Thanks for being there for me," I tell Jamie.

"Anytime. Just be careful with that guy. Don't let him get into your head again. He's bad news," Jamie says.

After everything I actually noticed something. Looking at Logan and being all over him all the time, I never really had time to notice Jamie. He liked me since the beginning and he's been good to me since the get go. He's always tried to make me enjoy my time here and feel welcome. He's also very attractive. Why didn't I see that sooner? Maybe it would have prevented heartache. He said he liked me and he even kissed me. I should have given him a chance. Maybe it's not too late. I decided to act on impulse and kiss him. I kissed him first. It felt like forever. Until he pushed me away and said he fell for someone else.I can't even be mad at him for that,because in reality I felt the same.

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