Chapter 17

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Logan's POV

Camp ends soon. I withdrew myself from all camp activities. I told the heads I don't feel too good and that I wasn't up to anything. No one really bothered to ask me about anything anyway. As usual I'm the jerk. By now everyone knows what I did so they think I'm just acting out. I sleep during the day while everyone is busy and hang around outside while everyone is asleep so I don't bump into anyone or get asked unnecessary questions. All the girls now think I'm a jerk, while all these stupid guys praise me.

I really wish I could go home now, but I don't even think I'm welcome there anymore. For the past 5 years I haven't been at home once. 5 years ago my mom and I lost my father and my twin brother in a car accident. That night we decided to stay home while Rogan begged to go with dad. We only got the tragic news the next day. My mom felt like i reminded her of dad and Rogan too much so she put me into boarding school and worked herself to death. If that wasn't bad enough, she decided to send me to every possible camp she could every single holiday in each year, just so I wouldn't go home. At first she lied and told me it's because she had to work, but later she didn't even have anymore excuses for me. The worst part is yet to come. Two years later, which was 3 years ago, my mother met someone else and got married to him. They had a daughter that is now one year old. I've only ever seen her on social media. I didn't even know about my mother's wedding. She has done a very good job at keeping me away from her husband. He probably doesn't even know about me or what happened to dad and Rogan.

Ever since then I knew I was alone. She has a good paying job and from what I have researched, her husband is pretty wealthy too. Hence she sends me a lot of money every week as if it's supposed to make up for her absence. I literally have nobody and she made me lose contact with every family member I knew over the years. This is why I can't get attached to anyone. My mother is a cruel woman, but at least she taught me to be independent and strong. I never told anyone about this. At school I'd always make up these stories about camping with my family each holiday. They don't need to know the truth. I'm also a top learner at school. I know I have to study hard so I can stop depending on my mother and actually stand on my own two feet without her pocket money. I used the money she send each week wisely and saved quite a lot so far. I could already buy myself a decent looking second hand car, but then again, she can also afford to do it for. She usually gives me whatever I want just to get off her back. But I'll only use her while I'm still in school. After that I'm done with her.

It's almost time for everyone to come inside, so I decide to get some snacks, water, a pillow and two blankets and head out to the music room. I think I should camp out there tonight. I don't think anyone will be using it anyway. I don't feel like roaming around outside tonight. It's too cold and I'm tired. When I enter the room I see the familiar head of curls and I hear her angelic voice sing a song I never heard before. Deciding not to bother her, I take my belongings and quietly move to a corner of the room and make myself comfortable.

"Don't you have a bed you could sleep in?" she suddenly asks.

"Don't you have a curfew and more rumors to spread?" I ask back.

"I didn't tell anyone anything. I can't help it if you can't keep your business private," she argues.

"And I can't help it if you can't keep your nose out of it. If you didn't stalk me in the first place we wouldn't be where we are now," I argue back.

"You shouldn't have gotten my hopes up in the first place," she tells me sounding a bit down. I want to hold her, but I'm also pissed at her for not listening.

"I told you I didn't want to hurt you. What didn't you understand?" I ask frustrated.

"You're right. You told me that and I didn't listen. I shouldn't have come to this stupid camp in the first place," she says getting up.

"Maybe you shouldn't have. You've complicated everything since you came," I say.

"I never did anything to you. You hurt me, remember?" she says sounding so weak.

"I said I'm sorry. What more do you want to hear?" I say rubbing my face, tired of always being the bad guy.

"At least make it sound like you mean it. It's like you're just saying it because you have to," she says.

"I don't know what you want to hear and how you want me to say it, but I'm tired and I give up. I'm tired of begging people for everything. Good night. Turn the lights off on your way out," I say before I turn my back to her and bury myself in the comfort of my blanket.

"Really now?" she asked. When I didn't respond, she eventually walked away and I sighed.

I didn't want to hurt her even more, but I think it's best if I let her go. So much has happened and I really wish I had a home to go to and a mother to comfort me, you know? Speaking of the devil, she's calling right now.

"Logan?" I hear her emotionless voice say. She didn't even give me time to respond before she said, "Remember how I told you not to call me, but to wait for me to call you? Well you decided to disobey me and now Peter wants to meet you. So you'll be flying down here tomorrow. I'll arrange for someone to pick you up."

"No thanks. I don't want to intrude. You made it clear that I'm not welcome there anymore," I tell her chuckling at how she suddenly wants me there.

"I always come through for you, so I need you to do the same for me. I demand you to. I'm your mother," she says angrily.

"The day you become a mother to me will be the day you are actually there for me in person. I don't want to meet your stupid new family and don't ever demand anything from me, you're not the boss of me. You're never even around," I shout back at her.

"I'm always here for you. I give you whatever you want. What more do you want? To suck me dry?" she practically screams into my ear.

"No, I want you to leave things as they are. I was merely a child when you send me away and made me follow this routine, now you want to disrupt it? You never wanted to see me before and the only reason you're doing it now is for your husband. So just leave me alone," I tell her. I'm on the verge of hanging up before she responds and shocks me utterly.

"I've already booked a flight and I'm picking you up personally tomorrow then we'll fly back home together. You better have all your things packed. I don't like waiting. I'll be there at 2pm. That gives you enough time to start packing," she tells me and then she hangs up. She would never come here, would she?

I'm sure she's lying and just sending another driver. She did that before. She told me she'd pick me up when I wanted to stay at camp a bit longer, then some other guy came to pick me up and I had to go back to boarding school. This time is no different, but I'll still pack anyway. Any excuse to leave this place.

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