Chapter 14

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For some reason I'm extremely tired, so while everyone is outside doing whatever they are doing, I'm inside our cabin taking a nap. That is until someone decides to ruin it.

"If it isn't Logan's new girl. I thought I'd have this place to myself and maybe even invite Jamie over, but you just had to ruin it," I hear Mia say.

"Shame, if only you had your own cabin. Now unfortunately you have to deal with all your cabin mates too," I say giving a fake sigh.

"The others aren't the problem here. You are, because you clearly don't have any boundaries and you're constantly in my business," she says.

"When was I ever in your business? I don't even know you and I couldn't care less about whatever business it is you're talking about," I tell her.

"So you weren't messing with both Jamie and Logan, knowing well that Logan and I were dating and that Jamie and I used to be friends?" she asks sounding like some brat.

"Last time I checked, they both approached me first. I didn't know there was something wrong with befriending other people. You're acting as if they're your possessions. No wonder they came to me," I say starting to become fed up of her always picking on me because of Logan.

"We both know they only went to you because I didn't want to give them what they want. You're just a distraction and a way for them to get me jealous. Soon Logan will come running back to me anyway and then you'll see he was just trying to prove a point to me. I can already see that he's growing tired of you," she says smugly.

"If he tried to prove a point to you in public, then why would he still act the same way in private? If he wanted to put a show on for you, then wouldn't he do it when you're around and give the act up when we're alone? Why would he kiss me when you're not around?" I couldn't help but to rub the last part in her face.

"Clearly he has gotten your hopes up. Of course he has to charm you in private so you can go along with his public act. Soon he'll get bored of you. In fact, I think he's already gotten bored of you," she says sounding smug. I decide to finally sit up, as I was lying down throughout this entire conversation.

"He just saw me not so long ago. Didn't look as if he was bored to me," I say trying to sound confident.

"Then I wonder why he got jealous of seeing me with Jamie the other day and why he pushed me against a wall and tried to kiss me. And also why he's meeting Janet from the cabin next door tonight," Mia says looking at her nails.

"No he's not. He said that he'll be going to bed early, because he's tired," I say suddenly sounding unsure.

"Maybe he's just tired of you. Maybe you should take a little walk past the ribbon tree a little after 9pm tonight. Please just do it quietly. I'm sure you wouldn't want to spoil his fun," she says winking at me.

"How do you know this?" I ask her.

"I know everything. More than you think. If you'll excuse me I'd like to take my beauty sleep and I think you should too. Looks like you need it more than I do," she says before getting into her bunk bed.

I don't want to believe her, but I can't help but to think that maybe what she's saying is true. The only way I'll know for sure is by going by the place she mentioned. But isn't that the exact place he wanted to meet me tomorrow? If it is then I'd have to stop seeing him, because I can't be another one of the girls he's playing. I wonder how many dates he has at that tree, if what Mia is say is true of course.

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