Chapter 16

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After Jamie confessed that he's in love with Mia and that he was sorry for leading me on, I hugged him. I couldn't even be mad at him because I wasn't over Logan yet. I actually knew he liked her for a while. This whole thing is so confusing. I think I cried out all my tears. He walked me to my cabin and promised to help me stay away from Logan. I decided that I'd still enter the talent show, but I'd do a solo.

This morning I woke up with a headache. I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. "Caley wake up," an angelic voice said above me. When I opened my eyes I was shocked to see Mia smiling at me. She probably heard what happened and now she's gloating, but her smile was different, almost sympathetic. What she said next shocked me even more.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good. All the others already left and I volunteered to stay and wake you up. Amy was hesitant, but after a while she gave in and left," she says. She sounds so different.

"Why would you want to talk to me? Are you here to gloat? I saw what you wanted me to see and I'm going to stay away from Logan. Happy now?" I ask her.

"I wanted to say sorry. Although I don't regret telling you to go there, because I wanted you to see what type of guy Logan is. I'm also sorry that I did it to hurt you intentionally. I've never been jealous of anyone, until you arrived. It's like you took all the attention away from me. The two guys I admired the most started noticing you and neglecting me," she said shocking me.

"It's okay. What happened, happened and I can't really blame you. In your own cruel way you showed me what Logan is really like and I guess I should thank you," I said. "You shouldn't be so focused on us though. Do you know that Jamie is in love with you?"

"That's a bit far fetched. I know he likes me, but he doesn't love me," she says shyly.

"He said it to me himself. Instead of focusing on the local jerk why don't you talk to Jamie instead. He's a good guy you know," I say.

"You're not the first to say that. I think you're right. I'll talk to him, but only after you get your pretty little self out of bed and get ready to start this day. You can't avoid Logan forever," she said helping me out of bed.


As soon as we get to the canteen it's as if everything just goes silent. Literally everyone's eyes are on me and I quickly look down at my feet and moved to our usual table swiftly.

"News travels fast around here. Don't let it get to you," Mia says giving me a side hug before she goes to her friends.

"I'm so sorry. I hope you don't mind that Jamie told me. I practically forced it out of him when I noticed that he knew something," Amy says.

"It's no big deal," I say shrugging it off.

"I'm always here for you when you want to talk," she says and I silently thank her. As I look around, I don't see Logan anywhere.

"He hasn't showed up yet. He got to the cabin this morning looking like shit. I don't think he'll be joining us," Jamie says, knowing who I was looking for.

"Oh," I say and continue to eat.

When we were done everyone left and most people went swimming. I decided to join my friends today. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be because it felt like everyone was walking in eggshells around me and that no one wanted to discuss the elephant in the room. I wasn't going to bring it up anyway. When we finally dried off they wanted to go to the afternoon jam session where various campers would just perform for fun, but I declined. I wasn't in the mood for it. I decided to go to the music room instead.

When I got there I went to sit on the couch Logan and I usually shared. I picked up the guitar I usually played, but I couldn't even play a few strings before I was balling my eyes out. I've never been this hurt. I was strong this entire morning, but the images of last night won't leave me. Was that really the guy I fell for?

"I knew I'd find you here," I heard him say and then I heard him shut the door. I refused to lift my head up and look at him. The guy who tore my heart into pieces. I wanted to hurt him so badly, but I also just wanted to find peace in his arms. Those arms that surrounded someone else last night.

"Please just leave Logan," I say through my sobs. I know some of you might think I'm petty, but this same guy confessed his feelings to me yesterday and then lied and told me he couldn't see me last night just to sleep with some other girl, at the same place he promised to meet me the next day. Of course my eyes would be bawling and I'd feel the way I do now.

"I'm not leaving until you let me explain," he says coming closer and then kneeling before me.

"What is there to explain? You had sex with another girl. I get it. Now can you please just leave me alone? I'm humiliated enough as it is. How many more girls did you meet at the Rock? Were you going to have sex with me there as well? Were those your intentions all along?" I ask him and as strong as I tried to be, I started sobbing louder at this.

"No, never. I'm in love with you Caley. You're too precious for that," he says. Then he leans his head on my lap, but I push it away not wanting to feel the sparks I always felt when touching him. This caused him to move to a different seat.

"So Mia, Janet and those other girls weren't precious too? I really thought you were different. I didn't come here to get my heart broken, I don't even know why I came here at all," I tell him.

"I said I was sorry and that I didn't mean it. I even spoke to Mia and Janet and they forgave me. Why can't you do that too? I didn't have sex with Janet because I liked her, I did it to fight against my feelings for you. They were too strong. I never felt this way about anyone before. I didn't want to get hurt," he says.

"So what you're actually trying to say is that you don't want to have any feelings for me that's why you were fighting it, so you could eventually use me like those other girls too?" I ask him.

"That's not what I meant. Can I please just make it up to you?" he asks.

"No, you can't," I say while getting up. "And while we're at it, I won't be performing with you anymore. You're used to going solo anyway."

"Funny how you can say all these things, but shortly after what happened you couldn't keep your hands off Jamie. You claim that I hurt you, but you didn't seem hurt when you were kissing him just minutes later," Logan suddenly yells.

"At least I only did that after I knew where I stood with you, which you made clear during your interaction with Janet. No decent human being would act that way. What are you so afraid of anyway? We would just have seen each other this summer, couldn't you just keep it in your pants and be a decent guy just this once. It's not as if I would have trapped you after you confessed your feelings," I tell him, still not understanding why he did what he did.

"You know what? You don't seem to care so I won't bother explaining myself any further. You're right this is just some stupid summer thing that would never work out anyway so I don't get why you're so upset. I'm pulling out of the talent show anyway," he says and finally stands up and storms out of the music room.


Logan's POV

"Mom, are you there?" I ask as soon as she picks up.

"What do you want Logan? Aren't you at that stupid camp? You know I'm busy," she says sounding as annoyed as ever.

"I miss you mom. Can you please come and get me here? I promise I won't be a nuisance," I ask hoping that she'd agree, although I know she won't.

"I don't have time for this. I thought you loved that place. It's the last week anyway then you can go back to boarding school," she says and I can imagine her rolling her eyes. "If you want I can send you money so you can fly back to school and spend the rest of the summer there."

"You know what? Never mind. I'll stay here. I don't want to be any more of a burden than I already am," I say before I hang up.

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