Chapter 1

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•First Time•





"Winter Amelia Delaney, wake up this instant!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" She yelled startled from waking up so fast.

"Don't you dare yell at me young lady!" Mrs. Lockhart said, irritated. "Detention!"

After the —for the class— entertaining conversation and embarrassment in her first-morning class, maths, Winter was pissed for the rest of the period. She should not have fallen asleep but it was Math, her worst ever subject, and sadly that wasn't the first time this had ever happened.

The bell rang, signaling second period History, one of her favorite classes. She made her way to her locker to retrieve her history book when someone bumped into her, causing her to fall flat on her bum. When she looked up to see who had bumped into her, her eyes met brown ones.

It was one of her closest friends. Serena looked at her and started laughing even though she had a bad start this morning already, she couldn't help but be less pissed because she always made her laugh, for example, she did right now. They most likely looked like they were mentally insane by the sound of the cackling and the weird movements that automatically came with.

"Hey Wint, didn't see you there!"

"What's up," She greeted. Serena answered with a shrug before reminding her that they had to get to class now or risk being late.

"You're right, come on." Winter laughed and started walking to the classroom completely forgetting to get her book.

Serena, Aaliyah, and Lee sat in history class, the three of them talking and being bored to death by the lesson, whilst she was sitting with them but intently listening to what Mr. Miller was talking about.

Let's get to know the 'squad';

There was Lee Mitchells, her best friend, standing at 5'5 with short momentarily black hair, which she always dyed, a babyface, blue eyes that always seem to change the color and 19 years old. Shelly was the most known in town of the four but with them she wasn't as serious as she usually was. Her best friend was a full-blooded American but speaks Spanish very well.

Then there was Serena Griffith, Winter used to have a big conflict with her and some other people, who will be introduced later, from fifth to seventh grade. Very tan, with light brown eyes and dark brown hair. She is 5'8 and the tallest of their group, but the youngest with just becoming 17 a few months ago. Rena was the funny one always making them laugh and making sure to entertain each other.

Aaliyah Russo, chestnut hair color, hazel eyes that always changed from brown to green and 5'2. Her parents were Italian, and also she spoke the language really well. She was very pretty and was also one of the people I had a big conflict with. Liyah was the stalking one of the group, always knowing what's going on and having the latest gossip in store.

We had more friends like one big squad with ten people but split up.

'Why?' You may ask. Granted, you will find out later.

Last but not least there was her, Winter Amelia Delaney. She was a simple girl, dark brown almost black hair, dark brown eyes which become shiny and light in the sun, 5'7 and 17 almost 18 years of age. Oftentimes being annoying and loud around people she was comfortable with. While when she didn't know you, she was shy and reserved.

Yeah, that's her.

Warning: her life was a freaking roller coaster, so if you didn't want to know what happened as to why she was the way she was, good day.

Make sure you're safely buckled because her story is going to confuse the shit out of you.

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