Chapter 9

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The two teenagers walked along the deserted hallways, as there were still approximately 5 minutes left of class.They wandered the halls longer than they should have and that was when she finally started to noticed that this was not the way to the nurse's office at all. Her eyebrows rose in suspicion.

"Where are we going?" She asked. "This isn't the right way to the nurse,"

Hayes knew exactly where he was headed, therefore he chose to ignore her and didn't stop making  out of the school.

Hayes knew where he was going so he kept walking on down the hallway that led out of the school.

"I am aware of that," He said not once breaking his pace.

The girl still confused didn't question it further, she knew that if she did, it wouldn't bring her any answers anyway also she did not have the energy to fight with him as he was going to get her to do what he wanted willingly or not.

Just as they both left the building, the bell rang signaling the second period but the boy kept sauntering straight away from school, the girl following.

Soon they reached the woods that lay far behind their school, a forest Winter never was in as there were many stories of an old student being tortuously murdered by a teacher. Not that that would really scare her, it was only weird going in there alone.

They trotted deeper and deeper into the forest until Hayes came to a stop about fifteen minutes later. Winter looked around but as hard as she tried she couldn't even imagine that in this forest someone was murdered.

The bearings were of unbelievable beauty or so Winter thought. At first she believed that this was going to be a rotten, old, and eerie forest like in the movies but now it could not be imagined that in here someone was killed.

Mixed green and brown healthy trees, beautiful bushes full of flower petals, and everything else that one would imagine in a fairy tale forest.

"Wow," Winter whispered taking a petal in her hand and smelling it.

She was about to ask Hayes from where he knew this beautiful place but as the girl's eyes glanced around she couldn't find the boy.

"Hayes?" She shouted, no answer.

"Hayes!" Again no answer.

It grew frustrating to her that he wasn't there anymore and had just vanished.

Someone yelled "Go through the row of trees!" A someone that was very known to Winter. Doing as she was told she went through the thick lined-up trees, the first thing she saw being the large lake with clear mixed blue and green water behind them.

Her mouth dropped open as she took in the sight of the small waterfall that lead into the lake and the rather big stones framing it.

Suddenly the boy in question came into view as he took off his shirt and pants only leaving him in his boxers. Face flushed, Winter quickly turned around.

"Hey." He murmured in her ear where he had leaned down to after hurrying over to her.

His body warmth that embraced her made Winter even redder. But her maximum limit blush was reached when she turned to him, placed her hand on his heart and blurted, "You're not going to do some werewolf type of shit here, right?"

A deep laugh escaped his throat making his chest vibrate as he looked down at the back of the head from the girl in front of him. She kept watching her feet on the ground, too embarrassed to even peek at him.

The boy kept on snickering as he spoke "No I'm not. Actually, I wanted to go for a swim and would like for you to join me. I think we need to talk."

Winter was confused, about what did they need to talk about?

"I don't have any bathing suit nor do I think that we need to talk about something."

He shook his head, "yes, we do."

"Alright, boy but I still don't have a bikini so I'm just gonna go okay?"

The teenage girl attempted to stroll back to the row of trees that hid this gorgeous place but was, for the second time today, stopped by the grab of her upper arm.

"Just swim in underwear, I'm doing the same?" he tried to convince.

Swim? In underwear? Alone? With a boy? If her mom, dad, friends, or even the to her dead brother would see or hear this, shit will hit the fan.

"Are you out of your mind? If anybody sees this I would be dead okay? No!"

Hayes frowned deep lines appearing on his forehead, but they rapidly went away and a smirk graced his face. "Nobody knows this place, all of them are too scared to even place a foot within forty yards of the forest. No one will know don't worry, also I don't want you to tell anybody about this place." She knew he wasn't going to give up until she swam with him so she angrily pulled off her hoodie and stripped out of her jeans and socks leaving her in her black lace bra and underwear.

The bad boy took in the sight of the striking beauty standing maddened before him. His thoughts wandered off to someone else, some male, seeing her like this and a jealous feeling built at the bottom of his tummy.

Winter was mumbling coherent words as she asked herself why she had to put on this underwear today. This pair was just like the over sixty percent of the other pairs of underwear she owned, lace. But this one was just a little more revealing.

She glimpsed up at Hayes and saw him staring at her, his eyes held a faraway look and were darker than usual. Starting to feel self-conscious, her fingers snapped in front of the boy's face.

"Let's go."

They walked to the lake and dove straight into it. The water had a perfect temperature it wasn't that cold but also it wasn't that warm. This whole day was unusually warm for an October day in New York.

As Winter emerged from the water she looked around for Hayes who wasn't to be seen. Thirty seconds later there still was no sign of him and she began to worry a little.

She went under again when something suddenly took ahold of her waist and pulled her up.

Bubbles of air were seen as she screamed her mouth filling with water. The girl took a few deep breaths and coughed then opened her eyes to find them directly gazing into familiar hazel orbs.

"You fucking asshole! You scared me! I thought something happened to you, I was worried a little and then you do this!" She scolded him wildly animated.

But the teenager only grinned, she was worried for me, he thought. His adoration for the girl only grew by every second that passed.


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