Chapter 19

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•Back to sleep•


The sun set a while ago, my baby was fast asleep on my shoulder and it was starting to get remarkably chilly. Winter's body shivered, she however was still deeply asleep.

I picked her small body up, careful not to wake her. Luckily the car wasn't parked far away so I tried to get there as fast as possible.

When we were seated I reached into the back where I usually keep a change of clothes in case of need. Deliberately, my hoodie covered her.

She moaned, freezing my movements.I needed a bit of time to compose myself as this was a strangling good sound.

Safely buckled up, the drive home began.

The weekend I had spent in Morristown had been a little bit of an eye-opener; I was not going to let Winter go, ever. She was way too precious to me to let her go, I loved the way her ear tips turned scarlet red when she blushed, or her nose twitched the moment a lie left her mouth and how she tried to keep up her guard though we both knew she was losing a battle with herself. I had no bad intentions, all I wanted was for her to be mine.

I cannot lose her, I won't.

For her I turned in a heartbeat, she has this effect on me where I feel like I don't have to be the closed-off guy I usually am, I can trust her. And for her I'd also turn into a mushy softy, of course only when I am around her.

Rather sooner than later we arrived at her house. I turned off the car a few houses down, not wanting to be seen by her parents or whoever.

With her keys in hand, I carried her into her house up the stairs to her room and made sure she was taken care of before leaving quietly.

Huh, never thought that that would go so smooth.


The sun shimmered in my face through the half closed curtains effectively waking me. I opened my eyes, being greeted by the familiar ceiling of my room. How did I get here? I was just with Hayes.

My phone, which rested on my nightstand plugged into its charger, showed that it was late morning already. I grabbed it, and scrolled through my contacts til I came across my wanted one.

How did I get home?

Well, with a car.

Haha very funny, but fr?

I brought you home princesa

            Oh, thank you. I'm sorry for             being such an inconvenience

You're not an inconvenience
princesa never

My heart fluttered. Huh?


Whatre you doing today

Nothing i guess probably
just staying home

Alright then. Take care
And call me if you need smth

Ehm sure thank you again


My whole body warmed at the fact that he apparently cared. It was really nice of him. Everything he did yesterday and before was special. Maybe he wasn't so bad?

You, me, mall @1:30 xx

Sounds like a plan x

I'll see you in soon ly!

ly2 Aria

Looks like i'm not going to stay home after all, I just hope my mom won't say anything. I thought about changing my clothes but then I thought fuck it and just changed into jeans before toying around with my hair and makeup a bit.

This hoodie smelled amazingly like Hayes another positive aspect aside the one that this is incredibly comfortable.

Mom I'm going to the mall            
with a friend see you later
love you❤️

Don't be too late i love
    you too honey😘😘      

That was smooth. Shrugging I grabbed my car keys and made my way to Ben.

I spotted Ariadne waiting in front of the entrance of the mall typing away at her phone.

"Boo!" I whispered effectively scaring her.

"Oh my! Wint!"

She hugged me tight squealing a little, "I missed you! Well even though we talked a lot over the phone the past few- Nevermind. You look great! Is that-holy shit turn around!"

"Hi Aria, I missed you too thank you you look gorgeous as always-"

"ARE YOU GUYS NOW OFFICIAL?! I KNEW IT!" She yelled overly excited.

"Hold up who?"

"You and Hayes dumbo! I mean wearing his clothing is a great freaking statement!"

My eyes widened, how the hell did she knew it was his.

"How the hell do you-"

She interrupted, "The backside honey, in big fat letters there is written H.L.C."

"How do you know Hayes again?"

"Babysat his little sister a lot back in the days no need to be jealous he's all yours."

"Alright no I'm not with him this topic is closed now come on let's get food."

Aria began to fake cry, "She's my soulmate!" I laughed before dragging her off.


Finally we were done with our shopping trip, I haven't bought anything because nothing really spiked my interest but I loved spending time with Aria.

It led us to the very moment where we bid goodbye, promising to meet up soon again. The entire day was spent in the mall yet it was a bit surprising to see the sun almost completely set when we left.

In no longer than twenty minutes my car was parked in the driveway. All I wanted now was my bed but when I opened the door I was greeted with a sight that only made me want my bed even more.

So sorry for the long wait, I was on vacation so uhm yeah it's short cause I plan on updating more chapters..

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