Chapter 11

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"What the hell! Why did you do that?" Hayes yelled holding his left index finger which I had bit, he wasn't pulling away fast enough.

"I should be asking you that! Why did you scare me? What-what are you even doing here Coleman?!"

Hayes Coleman was standing in my room at three in the freaking morning. He shrugged in response "You just ran away, so I came here. No biggie."

No biggie? No biggie! Yes, yes big biggie! You don't sneak into a girl's room in the middle of the night and scare her to death and then say 'no biggie'.

I shook my head this was absurd "Out. Go."

If my parents woke up and came in to find a boy in my room I would be dead meat. They are usually really strict about boys, well my dad, my mom would let me have a boyfriend, but my brother and dad would kill no joke.

"Nah, I don't wanna." He yawned while walking to my bed backward.

"Hayes I don't want you here, can't you see? You need to go. Now. I'm not taking the risk of getting caught besides we have school tomorrow and I'm tired."

One corner of his mouth quirked up as he let himself fall onto my bed "Come sleep with me then?"

I froze, no way in hell was I going to sleep in the same bed as him. Absolutely, definitely not.

I rushed my way to the bed, my plan being to push him off of it, I was just about to trip again over the same pile of clothes I tripped over while running. Smirking, because I didn't trip and embarrassed myself once more, my face was soon met with the carpeted floor. Did I just-?

Hayes booming laughter proofed my thought of myself tripping was confirmed. Bloody hell!

At a fast pace I leaped up and threw myself on the bed slapping my hand over Hayes's mouth. This was getting too risky. After he stopped laughing, I tried to push him off the bed while he was still trying to catch his breath. But to no avail.

"Move you freaking rock!" I kept pressing into his side but he didn't even move an inch. Freaking muscles.

"Stop! You're tickling me!" The giggles leaving his mouth came to an abrupt halt as he said those words.

The bad boy of the school was ticklish? We both did not do anything for seconds until I burst out laughing. Was he playing me? "You-you are ticklish?" My laughter died down when he was suddenly on top of me.

Again I was trapped with him, didn't I say that I won't get into a bed with him? Dumb Winter dumb, though this was not my fault I just couldn't let him be louder than he already was!

Hayes looked down into my eyes tauntingly,
"I like this position, what about you?"

"Get off!" I shouted, instantly regretting it when I heard footsteps outside the door.

"Winter! Is everything alright?" Came my mom's voice directly outside my room, my heart pumped inhumanly rapidly.

I thrashed underneath his hold, the door slowly opening and Hayes still laying on me. Pushing his chest he got the message, finally, and we rolled off the bed. Our bodies entwined.

A loud 'Ooph' was heard in the room and my mom's footsteps came closer, "Winter!"

Jumping to my feet, all tiredness has gone, my mom was about to see us both laying on the floor together.

"Are you alright?" she asked looking at me like I had grown two other heads. My hands were fumbling on flattening my hair "Yes, yes! I just fell out of my bed haha, sorry for being too noisy."

"You sure honey?"

I nodded, "Yes miss!"

She send me another weird look then started out of the room, "Try to get some sleep, you have school in the morning."

Smiling I stood at the side of my bed with Hayes directly behind me on the floor. When the door closed, I sighed. This was too close. Suddenly arms wrapped around my belly and a face laid in the crook of my neck. I felt his deep breaths making the hairs on my neck stand straight and my eyes close.

"I'll go now. See you tomorrow Winter." A kiss was placed on my cheek, dangerously close to my mouth and then the warmth Hayes was spending was away. Thank goodness.

Immediately I let myself fall onto my bed and crawl under the covers. Today, especially the night was too hectic.

I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep, knowing that I probably won't even get a wink of it.


Waking up at around 7:15 am, I was a bit late since I leave the house at 7:40 to be right on time. Last year I was at least three times a week late, meaning I improved since.

Brushing my teeth, dressing, and trotting downstairs were things I did while being half asleep. Last night and all the things that happened yesterday were just exhausting. I could barely stop thinking, let alone sleep, I only got half an hour sleep the whole night give or take.

When I reached the kitchen my mom was sitting at the table drinking her morning coffee, and looking deep in thought.

My eyebrows puckered slightly. "Ma?"

She seemed to be in deep as she didn't even realize that I was standing in the kitchen with her. "Are you alright? Why aren't you at work?"

My parents usually weren't home when I got up but if we see each other it's just real quick before they have to leave for work.

I snapped my fingers in front of her face, pulling her out of her daze and earning a slap on my hand. Mother doesn't like it when people do that she says, "It's disrespectful".

"Ow good morning to you too, Ma," I mumbled while using the coffee machine. I needed some caffeine to be able to stay awake.

"Good morning honey, where's the boy from last night?" She chirped amusingly.

My body went rigid, say what now?

I could basically hear the grin as she spoke,
"Don't think that I didn't hear the masculine laugh and the sound he made as you guys fell from the bed, and also I saw his feet."

Why the heck wasn't she freaking out! "Ehm-I this- I can-can explain, Ma!" I was scared for life my mother was...too calm about all of this.

By now I was standing at the table with a half-filled cup of black coffee observing my mother's facial expressions.

"Your lucky ass can be happy that only I heard you and I didn't tell your father." She scolded, "You are grounded for a week."

"But mom! It wasn-" Mother cut me off,
"Not buts, I don't want to hear it. And if I ever find a boy at night in your room again, you'll have to deal with your father. Now if you don't go you'll be late."

Damn you Hayes!

"I'll see you after school," I muttered and made my way out of the house to the car and onto the way of school.

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