Chapter 36

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•Risk It All•


Third Person

Winter panted beside her boyfriend, "I can't anymore, I'm through,"

"We haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet," He smirked pushing himself up above her on the palms of his hands.

"No, I can't. You wore me out too much!"

She closed her eyes, trying to get her breath evened out, before he had suddenly hit her with a question that startled her and caused him laugh loudly at her reaction.
"Ever fucked in a public place?"

Her eyes stared at him and blinked twice slowly.
"Yeah! Countless times, gotta say Jayden is a prick but his dick game is good." She dragged the 'o' in good in order to emphasize her sarcastic statement.

Hayes was well aware that it wasn't true, he was her first and definitely would have been her last, still it evoked some kind of possessive, jealous emotion aside the anger he had suddenly felt for her talking about Jayden's dick. Even if it wasn't serious.

His beautiful girlfriend was surprised and yelping when he pinned her hands to the sweaty gym mat beneath her with one hand letting the other trace her frame. Breathtaking was what he would describe her as for as near as words came. He loved her beauty but nothing compared to her gentle soul.

Nevertheless, right now he was forced to show her whom she belonged to. In a matter of seconds he hoisted her up and threw her up on his shoulder, they hurried up the stairs from the basement and into his room. No one was home, this was perfect.

Hayes threw her on the bed and the moment had honestly come now.


"This time I really can't do anymore!"

Another chuckle left Hayes's mouth, he made her go through with four rounds and believe when he said that he was not finished with her but he would have let her rest a little.

His fingers stroked her cheek and asked her if there was anything she wanted to do after graduation.

"I don't really know, no- I do know but I-I just haven't had enough courage to tell you." She sighed, casting her eyes down.

Hayes's jaw clenched. "What is it?" He forced her chin up so that she would have had to look into his the eyes.

"I applied for a few colleges," Winter whispered. "I got accepted into a few amongst Alessia's in Jersey, Morris-"

"Fuck to the no! You- HOW do you even think about doing something like this without informing me!" He growled, mad.

The annoyance and protectiveness in his body rose very, very fast. It wasn't her applying and getting into colleges that angered him, he loved her and if that was what she wanted to do then he was definitely okay with that, it was the fact that she did not tell him.

By now he was half dressed while she was still naked in his bed.

"Liam, come on! Let's talk about this, please."

"Talk about what? That you went behind my back? Mierda, Winter it's not you wanting to go it's you not telling me!" (Shit)

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