Chapter 4

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Upon hearing a loud laugh from what must have been right outside the cafeteria, I glanced up from my phone only to see the dark-haired beauty and her friend come through the doors. The girl was laughing as her friend dragged her to the lunch line looking like a hungry lion.

Her laugh was indeed beautiful but it didn't seem entirely genuine. I could not exactly describe it, it had this soft but rough tone in it and she looked fucking gorgeous even when she was almost dying from what I don't know, whatever made her laugh.

They stood in line and ordered. The girl was concentrated on I believe the food she ordered but as she turned and looked around the lunch room after 'Aaliyah' whispered something in her ear, she seemed, well from what I could read from her facial expression, confused. Her eyes landed on my very self and the moment she looked directly in my eyes, I had a déjà vu. Eyes wide, her face flushed.

After a few seconds she looked away and returned back to her food which was given to her by the lunch lady. Aaliyah gazed to me then back to mystery girl then back to me again. After like five times she took her lunch and made her way over to a table with mystery girl hot on her tail.

Taking the last bite of my apple, I threw it away and made my way over to the table where four girls were sitting, including 'Aaliyah' and my mystery girl.


As Liyah pulled me to the lunch line I was still laughing. Pretty sure half of the cafeteria population was glancing at me weirdly, but they could come and help me search for a fuck to give.

I stood behind Aaliyah as we ordered our food after each other. The lunch lady was putting food on my tray, and all I could was stare hungrily at the french fries. Our school food actually didn't taste bad, most times, for example the french fries and chicken nuggets. Yeah I'm seventeen almost eighteen and I still love chicken nuggets, sue me.

"Guess who is staring at you again." Aaliyah whispered from beside me. "It's Hayes Coleman!"

Confused as to why Hayes Coleman would stare at me, I looked around the lunchroom to check if it's true, or if Aaliyah was just teasing me to get a reaction. But after a few seconds of searching, Liyahs statement seemed to be proven right when, my eyes landed on broad shoulders and muscled arms. Looking a little higher to the face of the person, my eyes gazed into the hazel green ones of Hayes L. fucking Coleman.

He just stared at me as the corners of his lips lifted up into a smile, a very small smile, but nevertheless a smile. My eyes widened once again and my face started to feel a warm. Aaliyah tapped me on my arm and I quickly turned around, to retrieve a plate of food from the lunch lady. The lady smiled slyly at me as she looked behind me then back at me again, she winked at me then called, "Next!".

We made our way to our usual table where Lee and Serena sat already laughing about something. Sitting down all three looked at me expectantly, "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked them.

"What the hell was that back in PE and over there. What does he want from you!" Aaliyah exploded.

"I knew there was something, told ya Rena! I can read faces!" .

"Yeah alright, Lee. Now what happened?" Serena nagged.

Aaliyah gazed quickly at me then started telling everything that happened back in PE and when we stood in the lunch line. By the time she finished Serena and Lee were gaping at me and had their jaws hanging to the floor. That was the calm before the storm.

"What the fuck!"
"I'm going to die!"

Were some of the reactions.

"Oh fuck, don't look behind you." Lee warned glancing behind me.

I was confused. What? "Why?"

But that was fast answered as I heard a deep voice talk and my friends gawk at something behind me. Having a slight apprehension, I looked behind me, again only, to have my apprehension of it being Coleman true.

"Hey, mind if I sit with you guys?" Hayes asked, probably expecting a normal answer but all he got was stuttering sentences from three girls. Serena was the first to go, "Uhm eh yeah- uh.." Aaliyah continued, "Wha-ehm-what she ehm-what she meant wa-was th-that.." Lee being the final one just looked at him at first, "Errr who- I-I mean why would you want to erm-sit here?" Hearing Lee stuttering because of a boy that wasn't Graham was a first.

He looked like he was trying to hold in a little laugh, well fuck me did he look cute.
"Can't I?" He answered her question with one of his own. Slowly it was getting on my nerves that they were just openly gawking at him. "Yeah sure just-just sit down."I told him.

He smiled at me but as he turned to the others he put on a straight face. It was not until then that I realized that the cafeteria went silent and everyone was watching us, most girls were glaring though. What the heck? Then I remembered, the 'baddest boy' of our school was sitting at our table.

Glancing around the lunchroom once again, I caught the eyes of Irelynn. Irelynn Chants again, one of the girls that was in our former group and a big part of the reasons why we're not one anymore.

She looked dreamily at Hayes. I thought 'Hey! The fuck? Look away!' Irelynn Chants is a little bit of a fraud and an absolute fake friend. It was just a fact. You want to know why? She not only flirted but snapped on Snapchat, texted and kissed the ex-boyfriends and crushes of her friends. Two of them being Aaliyah and Lee. She always texted boys first then telling that they started to text her out of nowhere. A tad of thotty, eh?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Serena snapped her fingers in my face.
She shot a glance at the boy who was now sitting beside which I didn't even realized. Damn.

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