Chapter 5

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•All eyes on you•


Cue the awkward silence. You know these high school movies where the cafeteria becomes silent, because of something a popular did? That's how I'm feeling right now.

Everyone was staring, absolutely everyone even the lunch ladies. I caught the eyes of the one who gave me my food, she was smirking happily! She winked and mouthed "Talk!" I was laughing inwardly, and directed my gaze to the boy sitting beside me, but he was already looking at me.

So I tried not to stammer "Ehm hi?"
"Hello," He grinned. "I'm Hayes Col-" he started to introduce himself but my stupid self blurted "I know who you are, I mean who doesn't, you're 'the bad boy',"

His face scrunched up a little but I couldn't decipher why exactly. My eyes widened, what if he took that as an insult? "Oh lord, I am so sorry I di-didn't want to-to insult you, fuck I am so sorry!"

However Hayes didn't even look mad or insulted, rather amused when he looked into my eyes which I'm sure were showing my nervousness. My mind caught up with me and I remembered we were in a room full of people. I dared a quick glance at my friends to see all of their mouths hung open. Oh damn. Why was everything so silent?

Hayes saw me in my misery and seemed like he was about to end it. The boy shot me a quick smile and nod before turning emotionless. Zero to a hundred, real quick. "GO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESSES! NOW!" He barked to the nosy bitches called schoolmates.

As a result of his loud announcement everyone was quick to turn around and start chatting with their friends. Probably about what just happened.

Lunch was almost over so I finished eating fast not caring who saw me eating like a pig. A girl's gotta eat! I totally forgot the world around me by being lost in my own thoughts of on what I am going to spend my money on, which I earned through work at the little café a few blocks away from my home. I made a mental list to not forget and hopefully I wouldn't.

The ringing of the bell interrupted my train of thoughts. Grabbing my tray I stood up and said bye to my friends, which fell on deaf ears as I only got absentminded waves, since Hayes was way more interesting for them. I rolled my eyes.

Apropos Hayes, he stood up with me and when I looked at him in question he stated that he was walking me to my next class.
"What? Why? No."
"Don't even try Mystery Girl, I'm walking you to your next class." He insisted shooting me a look that said something like to dare protest against him. Being me I just sighed I didn't want to be on the bad side of the bad boy.

He called me 'Mystery Girl'. Huh?
Not knowing why, nagged at me therefore I decided to ask him since we still had about two minutes before we reached my class. "Why did you call me Mystery Girl?"
Without taking his forward stare he muttered "I don't know you are a little mystery to me, also I don't really know your name."

But thinking rationally I came to the conclusion that from where should he even have known my name, I'm not really known around here and that's the way I like it, so that made it better.


"In like two months we have autumn right now." Hayes noted with straight face. That made me facepalm myself. Damn.
"No, I mean yes in two months it is winter but what I actually meant was that my name is Winter."

He turned around as we came to a halt in front of my class room. He took a step closer to me so I stepped away a bit.
"Winter," he mumbled. That, my friends, just sounded downright indescribable. Not gonna lie it was amazing how he said my name but I got my shit together and said "Thank you for walking me to my class. Bye,"

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