Chapter 33

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•Self Control•

Third Person

"Liam! Damnit! No!"


"No! Leave me alone, I'm not a child!"

"But you are my baby."

Winter rolled her eyes at his behavior. She was trying to take a shower on her own but Hayes was not letting her do so, saying that it was too dangerous after the incident.
Now four days later and put off of bed rest, he was still not allowing her do anything by herself, it was provoking her nerves badly.

"I stink plus I feel completely disgusted!" She argued.

"No." He replied, definite.

"Fine then. Are you sure?"

"One-hundred percent."

Winter cocked her left brow and crossed her arms. "No affection, not even a hug. I won't talk to you anymore."

"You wouldn't,"

Her eyes narrowed down, challenging him. "Try me," She stood up fast and wobbled for a second before regaining her balance and stomping out of the room, meeting Alessia in the hallway.

"He still annoying you, ain't he?" She smirked.

Winter let out a groan. "Yes!"

Alessia shook her head and kept walking. Right after she stepped on the first step of the stairs she turned around. "Go shower in another room then we have more than enough, girl."

"Will do."

Winter contemplated really doing it before shrugging and heading to another room hoping to find a bathroom in it. And she did find one. The water had started to dribble down her figure fast and with eyes closed, she enjoyed the hot water relaxing her sore muscles.

"WINTER!" Hayes's voice yelled only a short distance away.

He had to be right outside the room thought Winter fuck, fuck, fuck!

To her luck, she had locked the door to the bathroom but that wash of relief did not last long when a loud thud sounded throughout the room making her almost slip and fall to the ground in shock.

All feelings of shame left her as she held her hand over her pounding heart. "LIAM!"

"I told you, you do not fucking disobey me when it comes to something like this!" He growled.

The boy picked up a towel and stepped over the broken door to his girlfriend still standing rigid in the shower. He kept his eyes on her face respectfully the entire time, though it was extremely tempting for him to sneak a peak. As tempting as it was, he would have never disrespected the girl he loved like that.

"No," Winter began. "I am going to wash myself, what the hell. If you really don't want me to do it then join me."

His jaw locked into place. "See? You are still one these meds!"

"No, I'm not. I mean it. Join me now or leave me alone,"

With a hardened look he discarded his clothing allowing his gaze to wander down her bare frame which she now discreetly tried to hide, at least the private parts.

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