Chapter 37

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•End Of The Road•


"I can't believe it's over, it's so...unreal."

Alessia chuckled, "It is! But hey Miss. Valedictorian, it's going to be great. Now get your clothes on we're late."

I shook my head, "Can you imagine that I am going to give the final speech? How the heck did I even get to that?!" I shouted. It was exceptionally far from reality, that I would have been the one to give the speech. After Alex, who was supposed to do it, backed out, they had asked me to. On short notice but still.

Alessia rushed me to put on the graduation clothes so that we could leave since we were running late. Mom and Noah were already there, along with Hayes and his family. Outside, a grand black limousine —which looked totally out of place in the driveway of my home— greeted us that would carry us to the school. Talked about a great entrance.

In less than ten minutes, we stood before the place I had spent most of my time in, in the past four years. The football stadium was where they had set up the stage and seats for the graduation, given the fact that the field was the easiest to accommodate people.

Kaden's driver stopped directly in front of the mass of people making many heads turn and my heartbeat accelerate.  We had thought we were extremely late, but apparently no one had been inside and seated yet.

"You're going to fuck 'em up," Alessia hollered as the door opened and she stepped out of the vehicle. Kaden instantly was beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist while Hayes waited patiently for my hand to grab his. When I did he kissed me, smiling against my lips.
"You are late."

We had arrived at the perfect time.

Graduation ran smoothly. Everything happened the way it had been planned beforehand, and it was nice for once to not feel the overwhelming sense of surprise. Hayes gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before I had to leave for the stage.

"Uhm hey? What's up?" I greeted nervously, causing a few to let out a small laugh, "So...I am Valedictorian, never thought that that would happen, because really I uh—wasn't the brightest candle on the cake a-and yet here I am. Dang.

High school. Man, high school caused us many emotions, among stress, hurt, hate, but also happiness, pride, maybe also love?" I laughed into the microphone holding up my left hand with the shining ring, glistening in the sunshine as he decorated my finger. "Well it did for me, 'cause I'm definitely getting married!"

Gasps were heard and I grinned as I looked back at my soon-to-be husband, sending him a wink before continuing with my speech. Confidence that had hid in my mind came forward the more I spoke, and it was an exhilarating feeling.

"Now, it is time for us to grow up and dive into the real world, experience things, travel, deal with success and failures because now we are not under the safe wings of our teachers and parents anymore. Now it is time for us to build our own future and make our dreams come true, I mean that's why we were here right?

We are almost complete adults now, hating won't bring us anywhere so here I am wanting to apologize to nine people who have had a great influence on my life. We all did something wrong, but I matured enough to say sorry and thank you for the time I had with you guys.

So let's let the past be the past and get on with the future, people!"

Howls, screaming and yelling erupted from the crowd in front and behind me, applauding at my words and grinning. We threw our caps and then it was already time to say goodbye.

The second we left the stage, we were embraced by our parents and siblings, leaving Alessia and Kaden for the last. He hugged his best friend while I hugged mine.

Believe me when I say that we were astounded when Kaden didn't only nod but embraced me as well, "I'm proud of you, little one." He said.

"So what's the plan now?" Alessia asked and before one of us was able to reply we were surrounded by people.

"You are never going to be lov-" Serena began but I cut in,

"Stop. We aren't children anymore, do you see these three people plus my ring? These are my family. That girl is my female soulmate, and she truly wouldn't trade me for anyone, that guy beside her, yeah, Aaliyah that is the one you couldn't have he said that he was proud of me, do you guys say that to each other? And this man right here? This is the love of my life, the person whom I will marry and have children with. I hope that you guys will be happy but like I told you, Lee, I am done with all of you, you guys are nobodies to me and I would appreciate it if you could leave me and my fam alone now. Good luck in life, girls, you'll need it."

I tugged Hayes away to the limousine with Kaden and Alessia right in tow.

This was it, I was done. High school is over now, and it's time to grow up and leave them all behind. It's time for the time of our lives, as a couple, as friends, as family.

I guess we reached the End Of The Road.

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