Chapter 15

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•Say you won't let go•


The week whizzed by and soon it was Saturday, I was laying in my bed doing nothing as per usual. My head was stuffed in my pillows which smelled like men's deodorant that I had sprayed onto them. I love breathing in the smell of it.

Vibrations pulled me out of my half dead asleep state, it was a notification from the group chat.

Rena removed you from the group

This week, I wasn't really hanging out with them. I spent my lunch with people I had more or less neglected for these 'friends'. My behavior was also two-faced, I'll admit that. Whenever the girls would talk bad about them, I wouldn't say that much to defend the people who genuinely liked me for me. I'd tell them to stop talking about my other friends just because they thought they weren't as gorgeous as them or didn't bother with their makeup every day.

Alex and Alyssa trusted me with so much, I felt overwhelmed with the adoration they showed towards me. I apologized thoroughly for not spending as much time with them and now turning to them after I actually didn't want to be friends with the girls. I assumed they wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore, but they just hugged me and assured me that it's okay as long as I didn't really do anything bad.

Rekindling friendships with people who profoundly care for you, is an amazing feeling.

Outof curiosity I texted her privately.

Why did you remove me?-W

Read 11:26

No reply.

Can you not reply?😂-W

Read 11:31

No reply


Yeah sure I'm childish. You're barely hanging out with us.-S

Never mind bye-W

Read 11:36

Alrighty then.

In school Hayes approached me multiple times but he stopped after I told him that at the moment I don't have the head to deal with him. He kept his distance, yet I still knew he was watching me from afar.

My cell vibrated again, this time it was Ariadne.

Hey W you up for the mall? xx

When? xx

In an hour?

Yeah sure

Sweet! Should I come pick you up?

No need thank you! I'll meet you there, is that okay?

Course! See you at the north entrance at 1?

Definitely, see you then xx

Yes miss xx

I got out of bed, heading towards the bathroom to shower and do my usual morning routine.

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