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I figured I was hallucinating, seeing Lucas rant on Twitter about his so called daughter not being his, but when he started directing his anger towards Gabe and saying that he might be the father... well that caught my attention one hundred percent.

I tried calling him, trying to get an explanation on why Lucas thought that he was the father of Amber's baby, when they've never even had sex. I mean, when would they have had the time? Gabe and I started dating right after Lucas's party, so unless he cheated on me... something wasn't adding up.

"Girl, what's this I hear about Gabe being the father of Amber's baby?" SaMiyah asked, as soon as I answered her phone call. I couldn't even say hello, before she got to running off at the mouth.

"I'm just as confused as you are right now. I've been trying to call Gabe, but he isn't answering." I told her.

"Well a little birdie named Royalty told me that he and Maj were at the studio, and that Amber was coming to California to get a DNA test." As soon as that sentence left her mouth, I jumped up, grabbed my purse and car keys, and rushed out of the house.

"You think she's down here already?"

"I don't know, but if Gabe is avoiding you then she probably is." She said. I hopped in the car and started it up, pulling out of the driveway, as I headed towards the studio. My phone was constantly beeping and buzzing, basically telling me that I had text messages and social media alerts out the ass, but I couldn't look at them right now. My main focus was getting to this studio safely, just so I can pop the fuck off on Gabe, if these rumors were true. And knowing that he seen me calling him, but chose to respond to Lucas instead...well that only added fuel to the fire.

Arriving at the studio, I sat in the car for a minute, trying to calm myself down before going inside. I didn't want to blow things out of proportion, just in case this was all a misunderstanding; but if this shit turns out to be true...God better prepare for his children to be called home because I'm going to jail today!

Climbing out of the car, I noticed Maj running back into the building, and I quickly followed his sneaky ass. Why was he outside anyways? And where the hell was Gabe. When I walked into the room, I saw Gabe standing there with a baby in his arms, while Amber stood in front of them. I squinted my eyes a little, looking back and forth from Gabe to the cute little girl, and honestly...I wasn't sure what to think.

"So it's true? You got this hoe pregnant?" I asked, glaring at him.

"Hoe? Girl, we not in high school anymore, so please don't catch these hands!" Amber spat, as she turned around and glared at me.

"You wanna take this outside then? Cause you know, as well as I do, that you don't want these problems!" I walked up on her, ready to beat her ass, but Maj quickly grabbed me and pulled me back.

"You can't be fighting in your condition." He said, as I snatched away from him.

"In your condition? Aw, Bella you pregnant? My daughter bout to have a sibling." Amber smirked, as I tried to walk over to her, but Maj grabbed me again.

"Nah, let her ass go so I can show her what she failed to get back in high school!" Gabe handed her "their" baby back and walked up to me, but I slapped him hard across the face.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" I snapped. He ignored me and bent down, lifting me up, and throwing me over his shoulder. I screamed, kicked, hit, scratched, and everything else as he carried me out of the building. You name it, I did it, because I was officially pissed off.

"You need to calm your ass down!" Gabe huffed, sitting me down. I bawled up my fist and punched him in the face, sending him stumbling backwards. I felt like I was turning into my mom, hitting my husband whenever he made me mad, but I couldn't control it. I was just so mad and I wanted to beat Gabe's ass!

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! When did you sleep with Amber? And I swear to God, if you cheated on me...this marriage will be over!"

"I didn't cheat on you babe. I'd never cheat on you, but I did sleep with Amber the night I saw you and Lucas coming out of his room. Remember that night at his party? Well after I left, I ran into Amber and we ended up having sex, but I don't think that baby is mine." He explained. "For one, she's too light skinned, and if I'm being honest...it would've made more sense if Amber was mixed or something. The only thing that's a similar feature is her eyes, but that doesn't mean anything. I'm gonna take a DNA test and if it turns out that she is mine...well, I'm gonna step up and take care of my responsibilities."

"Why didn't you tell me this after it happened? You used to tell me everything!"

"I knew how much you didn't like her, plus I was still trying to get with you at the time, so I didn't want to flaunt about sleeping with another girl. I know this is all fucked up, but I just want to know if you will still be by my side, if it turns out that I am the father?" I turned away from him as I started crying, trying my best to process this, but I couldn't.

I know I couldn't be mad at Gabe, only because this all happened before we got together, but I really didn't care. I was mad and I was hurt, but this wasn't about me. This was about the baby.

"I have to go." I murmured, brushing past him and heading towards my car.

"Bella!" Gabe grabbed me and pulled me back, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight.

"Let me go, Gabe!"

"I'm sorry." He murmured, making me cry harder. He then dropped down to his knees, wrapping his arms around my legs. "I can't lose you baby. Not now, not ever!" Was he crying? I looked down at him and saw the tears streaming from his eyes. I didn't want him crying, especially over something he had no control over. Even if he was the father of Amber's baby, I knew he'd do the right thing, despite what it might mean for our future.

"I can't do this right now! Just let me go!" I cried, pushing him off of me. This was the absolute worst time for me to be dealing with all this drama, let alone stress about the bullshit that Gabe keeps bringing into our life.

"Baby please!" I ignored him as I quickly rushed towards my car and got in, laying my head on the steering wheel. I'm not sure how I was going to handle this, but I did know that I wasn't going let something that wasn't even in my control stress me out.

Thug Lovin' 3: A Thug Misses Spin-OffWhere stories live. Discover now