Epilogue - Part 2

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After months of planning, arguing, stressing, and compromising, the day I get to remarry my beautiful ass wife had finally arrived and I was ready to stand at the alter and remake a commitment to the love of my life. It's crazy how back in the day, Bella refused to give me the time of day, and fast forward years later...we're married with two beautiful kids, successful careers, and a love that will never die. 

"Why are you just standing there looking stupid? The ceremony is starting soon and you're not even dressed yet!" My dad voiced, coming into the room with Legend on his back. Quez came in right after him, carrying his bagged tux in his hand, looking as if he had just woke up.

"Man, I'm still drunk from last night!" He groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Why the hell you ain't dressed yet?"

"Nigga, why you ain't dressed yet?" I questioned, grabbing Legend and tossing him in the air. He laughed, as I kissed his cheek, sitting him down so I could get both him and myself dressed. I knew that time was of the essence, especially since we were on a tight schedule, so I needed to snap out of this happy daze and get a move on. 

~Thirty Minutes Later~

"What is taking you so long, Gabe?" My dad asked, knocking on the bathroom door. He was starting to get on my last nerve, but I knew that he just wanted to make sure that I wasn't late to my own wedding.

"I just wanted to give myself a quick shave and edge up, but I'm just about ready. Where's Legend?" I asked, looking around for my son.

"Dean is getting him dressed in the next room, but come here so I can fix your tie." I walked up to him and allowed him to fix my tie, while I held my head back and looked up at the ceiling. "You nervous?"

"A little bit. I know we've been through this before, but this time it feels different. Everyone knows that I've been in love with Bella since we were little, but I couldn't give her everything she wanted when we first got married. You all told us that marriage was going to be hard work and ya'll weren't lying, but now that we're older and I can finally provide for her...I want to give her the world. Starting with the wedding of her dreams."

"You're in love, Gabe, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to give your wife the world. Hell, your mama refused to marry me, but I still give her everything she wants; even though she acts like she don't want shit from me." He chuckled, shaking his head. "You got married young, worked your ass off to provide for you and your wife, and now...you're living the life you've always wanted. Now, enough of this soft ass shit. Your mama probably finna come in here and yell at us if we're not ready."

"But we are ready." I stated, looking at my tie in the mirror. "Is Quez ready? And where the hell is Maj at? Surely he wouldn't purposely be late, knowing that this is the most important day of my life."

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